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Weird Epiphone Riviera


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I've been a big fan of the Riviera's and watch them all the time on ebay, but I have not seen one like this ever. This ended a little over a week ago on ebay and I was really tempted to buy it.




The price was right, but the specs are not like any other Riviera. It has gold hardware, gold pickups, a stop tail piece instead of a frequensator, and green gibson style tuning keys. I thought that these could be upgrades, but the first time it was listed the seller told me that they thought it was all original so I'm not too sure. Granted it is a factory 2nd, the price was not bad for a players guitar. I know factory 2nds usually arise out of blemishes in the paint and what not but could this have been a 2nd because of the bizarre part differences? What do you guys think? Ever see on like this?

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They made some of them with stop tailpeices. Not sure why, because the major attraction of a Riv is the trapeze tail.


Might as well get a Dot or a Sheraton II if you want a stop tail on a 335 type Epi.


BTW, that Riv is stamped 2D (factory second), a fact that the seller did not mention in the auction.



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They made some of them with stop tailpeices. Not sure why, because the major attraction of a Riv is the trapeze tail.


Might as well get a Dot or a Sheraton II if you want a stop tail on a 335 type Epi.


BTW, that Riv is stamped 2D (factory second), a fact that the seller did not mention in the auction.



I think some of the stop-tail Riv's with full size humbuckers are excellent. Pretty cool if some one wants a semi-hollow with different looks with the inlays and truss rod cover ect. Plus they don't make them anymore (that I am aware of). Oasis used them in the 90's a lot (not with gold hardware though). Like this:



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Oasis - Noel Gallagher used a wine red 1983 Japananese Matsumoka Epiphone Riviera, Bonehead used a sunburst model. Niceguiyar with quite a hefty chunky neck.


When I was into Oasis, Noel said he used a Epiphone Riviera, when Epiphone make Riviera's now they have the trapeze tailpiece, and I wanted one just like Noels. Gallagher used his from 1994 - Don't Look Back In Anger video 1996.


It took me another 12 years to find one, like Noel's and very pleased with it.


Hope this helps



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