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Just got a new Droid 2.


I know, I know, I was just fine with my LG Dare, but the youngest put a Droid Incredible on his Xmas list, and then the Verizon folks called and, well, the end all be all of it was that we got new phones for the whole family for less than what one costs at normal retail ( 3 Droid 2s and the aforementioned Incredible).




I was going out to the Droid Market looking for a guitar tuner and found the new Gibson Learn & Master Guitar ap.


Tuner, Metronome, chord book, lessons and a link to Gibson.com



My compliments to the Gibson Dev staff.... this is an incredibly useful and functional app!!!




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Well after vowing that I would never get a cell phone, I ended up getting a basic phone about 2 years ago after my collegue yelled at me because he couldn't get a hold of me while I was on travel. So our contract was up for renewel last week and I decided to go for all the marbles and got a Samsung Epic 4G (Galaxy S). I finally get what everyone is talking about. I can watch TV, take a zillion pictures, shoot high quality video, and use GPS all on one phone. I'm just starting to get into the apps, and I'll definitely check this out...

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If you go to the Droid Marketplace, make sure you read the comments on the apps before you DL them. Some apps appear to work better on certain model phones.


ALSO.... some of the apps that say "free" on the apps browser page will state they cost money when you go to read about them.



(I'm lookin' at YOU VZ Navigator......)

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Hey Guys, careful downloading certain things on the Android marketplace, it's open source so it can be vulnerable to attack.


My new position with my company is that I actually train clients on how to use smartphones, so if anyone here has a question about them just pm me and I'll get back to you when I can.


Also, grats on the new phones. I wish Gibson would do a quality guitar app for the Blackberry already.

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Well, a few days ago, I posted a link to an article related to this very topic. It was a firm who developed apps that wanted to prove a point about security on the Android Marketplace. They made a pseudo Angry Birds application that users downloaded believing it was the real deal and what they got instead was basically a foothold for this company to look at all the reporting your phone does, including contacts, positioning etc. They didn't do anything with the data, but it was to prove a point.


Like I said, just be careful when authorizing certain security protocols.

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I like it ! Of course, I haven't used it for long, but the metronome is handy and the tuner works ok for me. I should caveat that with the fact that I typically tune the A string and tune the rest to that. I got another tuner that is tone based, as well, as it helps to tune my acoustics... like my mandolin :).

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Guitarworld has a cool looking ipod app, too! "Lick of the Day"






Funny about AT&T, tho... the wife and I use to have AT&T, once they bought out Cingu-LIAR.


Cingu-LIAR told us we'd have coverage at our rural home.


We didn't.


They told us they were putting in a new tower that would fix things.


It didn't.


They told us it would all be fixed when AT&T bought them out.


It wasn't.


AT&T advertised "Fewest dropped calls of any network"


They lied. Every call dropped. Every_stinkin'_one.


Hence the name Cingu-LIAR


I have yet to have a Verizon call to drop and we have service everywhere I've gone.




Of course, I could say the same thing for the Blackberry pager I used to have to carry, too..... dang it :)

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