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Where did the day go?


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A day off from work today, so after dropping off my daughter at school (besides a bit of toast & coffee) I just practised all day till it was time to go fetch her, then make her tea and take her to Rainbows (pre Brownies) then more guitar and now waiting for my missus to pick her up on the way home from work.

Seems like today just flashed by, although I had some loud fun :D


A guitar in your hands is a brill 'waste' of time is it not !

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And it only goes faster as we go along too, enjoy it while you can!



i heard a theory on this phenomenon: as you get older, a single day becomes a smaller and smaller percentage of your life...


well actually it was explained with years, but the logic is the same: when you are 20, 1 year is 5% of your life... by the time you are 40, it's only 2.5%... and so on.





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