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the secrets to the evh p.a.f?? pickup(frankenstein pickup) i got them!


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OK so I've finally found out all about this pickup the legendary brown sound pickup out of his like 20 pickups he used and I had a cow figuring all this out-


OK so what I have finally found out is....... the humbucker isn't a gibson paf! it's an old dimarzio p.a.f copy that had an original Gibson paf alnico 2 magnet that was from the es 335 he had, which the Frankenstein pickup(dimarzio pickup) was the final working pickup out of the 3 he tried to make and the original paf is one of the pickups he ruined.Second you hear about him potting it,im gonna put a picture of the real humbucker at the bottom.Gibson paf bobbins are made from class A plastic the dimarzio plastic is crap that's why the bobbins were so distorted when he potted it.Yes he did rewind the pickup with plain enamel wire gauge 42 to about 14k,lol he also hand wound it with no machine which took a load of time to do,so after he wound it he potted it in paraffin surfboard sex wax in a coffee can.After it was potted he took copper tape and wound it around the bobbin for less of a chance of that dreaded buzzing then wrapped it with the original paper tape.



ask me anything and I will answer it thanks and comment away!

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Hotshot, can you make me two today? And I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday. [biggrin]

lol sure ummm...... ill take a Gibson standard lol im gonna make one though ill put a video up on here though showing how good they be but if the are like amazing I might sell a couple.

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Sorry but those don't look like ant DiMarzio bobbins I have ever seen. They do look like Gibson PAF bobbins that have been over heated in a wax pot though. They were bad about warping while just sitting around.You really have to watch your wax temp when potting old Gibson pickups.

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