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Trading guitars safely...??


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I have a trade on the way right now from another forum I frequent ( MLP ). I've also traded before on forums. First off, you want to prefer that it is a long time, well respected member that you are trading with. Do your homework; google the person and their email address. Exchange phone numbers and talk with them. You can usually get a pretty good idea about one another that way. Ask for references. the MLP forum has a feedback system similiar to Ebay. Maybe we could ask Admins. here about something similiar.

This last trade I did we both agreed to ship on the same day but he actually shipped his a day earlier because it was more conveient for him. We just both insured the guitars at time of shipping, exchanged tracking #s, and now Im waiting for an '01 Studio in wine red to arrive !

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Traded ??? No.....Purchased, yes..........Use PayPal.....[thumbup] .......


Was I a happy camper ????? 1000000% yes............


97.06463 of all members here are real and legit....so, ..............

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I'll trade you my 1967 LP Gold top for your Gibson J-45 VS. Just ship me the J-45 and I'll send the LP straight away. It may be a week or two, however, before I can get to it. You see it's in storage and I need to clear the unit out before I move to Truck island next month.

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