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60's EB-3 or EB-0 owners...


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Yes, the bevels are shallower in the late '60s models. Wonder why they did that? But the horns are still tapered as seen in your pics. I like the darker color, too. I was wondering about the horns being tapered. I like that feature but could never see because most pics you see are from the front and back.

You definitely have the Gibson bass collection! And I knew you would reply! Thanks!

I am hoping my first Gibson bass will arrive by early next week!

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I hope you enjoy your new bass when it comes, also hope you don't wake up with the bad case of GAS I had! I see your posting on Jules sight now also.......... I've been on that one & "The Last Bass Outpost" also. Two of the few places Gibson bass players seem to be plentiful. [thumbup]

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