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Weird cravings

Silenced Fred

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I never thought I had cravings. I do get a hankering once in a while. My problem is I do, from time to time, get a hankering for KFC (Kentucky FRIED Chicken). Trouble is the KFCs in my area are a dual fast food outlet. Here they are KFC/Long John Silvers. I get to the door, smelling all the yummy KFC extra crispy, they my eyes spy the fish. [huh] I really love to douse the fish with the malt vinegar, it's so-o-o-o good. So... unless I go out of town, where there are KFCs without LJS, either a stand alone or with other Yum! brand food, I have a hard time slaking my hankering for KFC. [blush]

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Guest FarnsBarns

I got fried chicken from a fast food place once. It gave me salmonella.



I decided I was never going to do that agin so I stuck to fish. That gave me chickenella!


BOOM BOOM [biggrin]

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Back before Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, three sailors were going....um....er.....ah...... "into town".


They went to a Hawaiian house of ill repute.


A sign listed the specials there....


#1 - The Islander

#2 - Tropical Delight

#3 - Hawaiian Express


Well, the first sailor took #1; the second took #2 and the third took #3.


After, the three met outside. The first sailor was grinnin' from ear-to-ear. His friends asked what the #1 was.

He said the girl put a pineapple ring on him and ate it off.


The second sailor, who’s smile was even broader, said the #2 was unbelievable! Girl put TWO pineapple rings on him and ate them both off!


Well, the third sailor wasn't too happy at all.... he said the #3 was horrible!


He said the girl put three pineapple rings on him, put on whipped cream with a cherry on top!


Damn.... he said it looked so good he ate it himself!


(still not as gross as craving pregnant women!)



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I crave Wendy's cheeseburgers about 24/7. Yummyness. I have the occasional Taco Bell craving. What i really crave though is a new trampoline (the other one got ripped apart in a tornado [lol] ). And i crave to listen to my iPod right now! And im pretty sure that Fred meant he craves PINEAPPLES as much as a pregnant women craves sugar NOT he craves a pregnant women as much as a pineapple does! your all sickly twisted [lol] jkjkjkjkjk

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