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"New" Epiphone Howard Roberts


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Just picked this up: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&rt=nc&nma=true&item=180663502612&si=Lt5ieNbDVWCwkp0uK4XLNIbJ8c8%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123

It's the first Epi archtop I've had since I had a 1950ish Zephyr Deluxe Regent that I traded for my classical guitar around 1975. Curious what others have to say about this model-I know it's made by Samick, but don't know if it's a solid or laminated top. I've also heard that the pickup could stand being replaced and wonder if the tuners generally hold tune or might want upgrading. It probably won't be my main guitar, so they don't have to be outstanding, as long as they're adequate.


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Great looking HR.


Post photos when you get it.


Almost pulled the trigger on it myself.

Let us know how bad the cracking by the neck joint is.

Could not tell from the photos.


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Great looking HR.

Post photos when you get it....Let us know how bad the cracking by the neck joint is.

Could not tell from the photos.

Will do. It might even be here Monday, according to the tracking page-coming from just over the border in New York. I'll definitely get some pictures up when I have the time and can find my digital camera. I could also have my daughter take them, she always knows where her cameras are.

I noticed in a picture that the original Gibson had three knobs, were there separate bass and treble controls?


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HNGD Brad, just judging by the eBay pics it's a wonderful looking guitar, as for swapping out the pup and tuners, I wouldn't plan on doing that until I'd tried it out for a week or two at least, you may find you like it as is, enjoy and congrats.

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HNGD,Brad. You got a good one. I sold one recently, and it was a sad day - great playing, great sounding guitar.

As for changing out the tuners and PU... I'm in the wait and see camp. I think you'll be surprised when you get it. Neck is super fast and the stock mimi-humbucker sounds really good. Mine was a transparent black - very cool.

Enjoy it, man!



PS Pic of my Epi HR is attached.

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