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Peavey Vypyr Amp


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What styles are you into?


I'd start with all the EQ knobs at 12 o'clock (which means 5 in most amps).


OD/distortion gain at the lowest...


Rise the gain as much as you like or need and then start playing with both high and low EQ knobs, leave the mid knob for last, and whatever you do don't take all the mids out.

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When I was shopping for a modeling amp, I passed on the Vypyr because it was over-complicated to use. Good luck!


Spoken like a true Bookkeeper's son.............[flapper][unsure][crying] ........Try the Vox modeling amps, I have two of them; they're great.......hmmmm,


haven't plugged one of 'em in, a year.........[scared] ................

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