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New Cars CD

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The new Cars CD came out this week and it sounds like classic Cars except for two things.



No silky smooth Ben Orr vocals (RIP) and no memorable Elliott Easton guitar solos. In fact if it didn't have his name on the CD jacket I wouldn't know he was on it.


Good CD all around though and reminded me of my college radio days.msp_thumbup.gif

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I'll be picking this one up soon. What I DO like from it is that they have put the keyboards back in where they belong.


Yeah and there are some great rocking tracks on it but Ben's vocals were a nice change to Ocasek's herky jerky delivery.

Easton's such a great player and I kept waiting for him to cut lose in short bursts like on the first album.


Oh well still a good music purchase in todays dreck that is called music.

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