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The Death/Doom thread

Shnate McDuanus

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I guess one might call death/doom metal a sub-subgenre, as it's the fusion of qualities from death metal and doom metal. Different artists do it in different ways, but lately it's become my favorite style of music to listen to.


Here's Winter. I saw them last night and they blew me away:






Unfortunately they only ever released one LP (Into Darkness) and one EP (Eternal Frost.) I know Nuclear Blast did a reissue of both of them as one edition (the LP with the EP tracks as "bonus tracks") at some point back in the nineties--if you look hard enough on eBay I'm sure you'll find one at some point, although I can't speak for how expensive it would be. I found a relatively cheap copy at an independent store here in the city a few years back, so I'm sure other copies are out there.


Interestingly, the guitarist's tones were much heavier on stage last night than they are on their recordings. Much more buzzsaw-y--which, in their case, seemed like a plus. They sounded excellent last night and were remarkably tight for a band that plays such relatively slow music. Their drummer is awesome.


EDIT: One of the things I've always thought was great about them was that, although the vocalist growls his vocals (something which I consider a plus in and of itself,) all of the words still come through as clear. It's very moody, atmospheric music, and the fact that I can actually connect with the words accentuates the effect a lot for me. I also love the sparse arrangements and the clear, clutter-free production. It's extremely heavy without being noisy or full up with a lot of "fizz."

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Here's Anathema. Early on they were death/doom with gothic metal influences, and now they're doing some sort of modern prog-rock thing...Their first few releases were the best from them, IMO.





(Yes the video is a little goofy. I still like the song.)


Frankly my favorite release from them was their first EP, Crestfallen. Some of you more post-rock/ambience-oriented guys might prefer their later stuff. I'll admit that their new stuff isn't so bad, either.

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Now this one here is probably my all-time favorite death/doom band. I've posted them before, and I keep telling EVERYONE about them whenever they ask me to recommend good extreme metal stuff to them. Here's Asphyx:




To me, they represent the ultimate fusion of death metal and doom metal. As far as feel and sound go, they definitely veer closer towards death metal than Anathema, although they still get pretty doomy on some tracks. I also love the guitarist's tone (yes--I actually love that tone. Don't ask me why, because I don't think I could explain it. I just think it's perfect for their music.)

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This here is Thorr's Hammer. Unfortunately they only ever released one EP...with four tracks on it. I've only started to get into them, since I don't have their EP, and I haven't had much luck with scoring a copy anywhere, but...we'll see.



Here's Saturnus. Definitely more doom than death, but still pretty cool:


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Cool list! I was just focusing on death/doom, but yeah, doom metal has a lot more facets than just that one.


I really love a lot of those albums on that list. The two Acid Bath albums, in particular, really are just amazing experiences.


You didnt like A Natural Disaster?


Oh, I liked A Natural Disaster just fine. Again, it's not that I dislike more recent Anathema. All I'm saying is that they've progressed stylistically and aren't really doing death/doom or gothic metal anymore. Their newer stuff is still really rather good.

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Darn, I was totally hoping I wouldn't have to carry the entire thread...


(A lot of these metal threads end up being "the dem00n and XDemonknight show" anyway...)


OK, here's more Asphyx.



Bolt Thrower's album The IVth Crusade is a death/doom album, IMO, even though I wouldn't overall consider them a death/doom band.



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Wino's Sunn head was recently up for sale on cl here in town. Dave Chandler was at my wedding with his headband. Some props to the OGs


You're...missing the point. Traditional doom metal is all fine and good, I love the stuff and I love Saint Vitus. I have all of their stuff...


...but there are no death metal qualities in their stuff. The thread is about death/doom specifically. If I were just posting doom in general, there'd be a lot more Candlemass and Pentagram on this thread.


Fine, props to the OGs. I guess nobody cares about or understands the thread topic. I guess this is just the doom metal thread now.




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