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A little help over here!

Luis Coll

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Don't do it Luis! Steel strings exert more pressure than your nylon string guitar can manage. You can put nylon strings on a steel string guitar because it is braced for strength, but not the other way around. I wouldn't do.

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Don't do it Luis! Steel strings exert more pressure than your nylon string guitar can manage. You can put nylon strings on a steel string guitar because it is braced for strength, but not the other way around. I wouldn't do.

Heyy thank you very much!

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This is the answer from Wikipedia, FWIW:


A: This can be very unsafe! The design of nylon string guitars is very similar from steel string guitars. To get the best sound from a guitar there is a balance between length and flexibility. Nylon strings are under less tension than steel strings so the top is made thinner and the internal braces are lighter allowing the instrument to vibrate more, giving you better volume. The extra pressure that steel strings put on a nylon guitar can, over time, cause the top to pull up, cause braces to come loose, and even pull the bridge off the guitar! Also, most nylon string guitars do not have internal neck reinforcement (truss rod) like steel string instruments do. This will cause the neck to pull forward causing the distance of the strings from the fret tops to decrease greatly making the instrument difficult to play. The tuning gear rollers on nylon instruments are also different. They are normally made from plastic which will not support the pressure of the steel strings. The shafts may break under the extra pressure.



Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Can_you_put_steel_strings_on_a_nylon_string_guitar#ixzz1SO09NYbf

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Oooo My BAD! I thought the OP was suggesting putting nylon strings on a steel string guitar. I misread. The opposite; putting steel strings on a nylon string guitar will cause the nylon string guitar to implode. Guaranteed. There is no truss rod in the classical style neck and the extra tension will just pull the guitar apart. DO NOT DO THIS!


(thanks for the wiki link GG!)

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