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Is The SG Your Number One?


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I had been playing my L6-S since 1994 until this summer when I finally picked up a SG (2004 SG Standard), and I have not gone back to it since picking up my SG. Its all I play.. Its perfect in every way, and came with a couple dings on it, so I'm not afraid to use it..

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I've got a 68' sg which to me is the best guitar I ever played. But since my band plays both blues, rock and funk I found it necessary to also buy a Fender Jaguar (MIJ), which I also love. They are just very different guitars and each suited for different purposes, so I've explained to my wife that it is absolutely vital, that I have both.


But I've been in love with sg's since I first played on in the music store of my hometown in 1992 - it's quite simply the guitar for me.

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I never really liked the SG. Then a year ago I bought one of the cheaper ones

(SG Special I believe) just to use for slide in open tuning (upper fret access

being tough on a Les Paul). Funny thing is I am keeping it in standard tuning

and playing it all the time. My Les Pauls are gathering dust! Crazy how much

I love playing this thing.



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I got my SG in the late 80's and its been #1 since that day. Of course for almost 10 years is was my only guitar. But even since I've added some others it is still The One. My order is SG>Tele>Strats and Super strats. I'l be an LP owner operator soon, so things are going to get quite mixed up when that happens.

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