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Is The SG Your Number One?


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All sg for me. Did have Fender Stratocaster Olympic white once, hated it and sold it. Had a schecter, just felt soulless-sold it. Sold a Les paul standard to, that big body with only one cutaway wasn't for me - sold it. So i have tried some other guitars, but for me no guitars can match the sound ,playability, and the great look the Gibson sg got

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All sg for me. Did have Fender Stratocaster Olympic white once, hated it and sold it. Had a schecter, just felt soulless-sold it. Sold a Les paul standard to, that big body with only one cutaway wasn't for me - sold it. So i have tried some other guitars, but for me no guitars can match the sound ,playability, and the great look the Gibson sg got


Amen about the Schecter. I sold my c-1 a month after I bought it.

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Amen about the Schecter. I sold my c-1 a month after I bought it.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. I have a Schecter Stiletto Classic and it's my number one and for good reason too. I can see no faults with this guitar except for how bad it makes more expensive models look! [biggrin]

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For electrics

1.SG special ebony

2.Epiphone Sheraton II

3.Fender Telecaster standard ash mod with SD little 59

4. MIJ Fender Strat mod with SD jb in bridge



1.Ovation celebrity cc48 super shallow

2.Hagstrom D-38


1. Schecter C4 has plenty of soul

2. Fender Precision special edition


For writing songs I use the Ovation. For performance my top three are Ovation, SG, Sheri.

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I play my only SG (Epiphone Japan, '61 Standard), quite a bit. And, I

go through periods, where it might be considered my #1, but...I do that, with most of my guitars, really. Right now, my double-cut "faded" Les Paul Special, gets a LOT of playing time, as well as my Telecaster. So...??? [rolleyes]


2006(last year, produced) Epiphone Japan '61 SG Standard





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Well obviously it's all feel...but over my 30 some odd years, and seen from my list of guitars I have them for a reason....but since I got my 94 SG Special, I haven't touched my other guitars to really speak of. The way the body fits, the bevels of the body...it's very comfortable. I keep looking at LP's cause I do like their look...but I keep coming back to the SG.

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In Order. 1)SG Standard 2)Fender Strat 3)Les Paul 4)Fender Telecaster. The rest are fluff..



WOW. I've got the same four guitars and I rate them in the same order. It seems great minds think alike!

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Amen about the Schecter. I sold my c-1 a month after I bought it.


+2 on the schecter, I got a 2005 C1 Classic Custom through neck with tree of life inlay Gold hardware real Seymour Duncans (not Duncan Designed) looks absolutely beautiful. It was my no 1 over my SG for awhile. It does lack soul and the fret wire has worn down before my 10 year old SG Standard. Selling mine as we speak.


1. Les Paul Trad fully customised

2. SG Standard fully customised

3. Dont need anything else, though wouldnt complain if you offered me an R8 or a custom shop ES-335


I love my SG even overcome the wolf tones and lifeless G string with mods, but when I plugged in my Les Paul and sustained a note for as long as my finger was on the fret I knew she was number 1.


However the SG kicks 4$$ when it comes to rhythm crunch and is my go to guitar for recording my rhythm parts everytime

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1. SG reissue 61' note the space between #1 and the others






2. Explorer with EMG's getting ready to be taken out and replaced, but it's still #2 as it plays incredible

3. Fender Jaguar with dimarzios (from my grunge days, but it plays so well and is versatile as heck)

4. Hagstrom Viking great hollowbody tone at a great price, and it plays like a dream.

5. PRS Mira- very SG like really, with a mahogany slab and double cutaway, neck is slim wide neck similar to the 61', but it's 25" scale.....very versatile with the coil tapping, but it's my #5 due mainly to the styling...as far as tone goes, it's probably more like #2-3....

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I pretty well have my guitars on a rotation so that they all get played at least every few months.


I always go back to my SG Special though. Just something about that guitar. No other make and model has that feel...or that tone. Some day I plan to get an SG Standard too, but even then I doubt I'll ever sell it. Even my wife, who's usually all for me selling stuff, said I should never sell that guitar...not even to finance an SG Standard.


I also find however that what music I'm playing or the tone I'm after really dictates which guitar I play. I remember in my days playing in bands as much as nobody else understood it, there were certain songs that I only played with certain guitars. The thing was, there were certain qualities to certain guitars that suited what I was playing on those songs. I took it to the point of trying to build our setlists around my guitar changes so I wouldn't be changing guitars constantly.


Today I would probably go to either the SG or Les Paul for most of the hard rock stuff I play, and occasionally my American Deluxe Strat. For blues it would all depend on what sound I was after - my Gretsch 6120 for hollow/semi-hollow tones, my strat for SRV/Buddy Guy type sounds... occasionally I'd do my bluesy stuff on the LP or SG - say if I wanted more of an early Santana type sound.


Also, over the years, I've found strats to be the best guitar for songs that involve lots of wah. The effect just seems more pronounced in strats because the pickups work in a more focused area than humbuckers.

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