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Bit of Advice


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Hey everyone, I have n Es-175 and am considering upgrading the pups in this baby! I have tried to research specs, knowledge bases and youtube videos. My question to you all is......... Are the Guitar Fetish pups (Nashville) a worthy upgrade or will a set of Duncan Seth Lovers or 59's be a better option? I know the Duncans are most likely by and far the better pickups I just figured I would explore the cheaper option to save some cash! I am assuming I should not just replace the pups but also the other electronics t the same time. So if you don't mind weigh in for me on the options here including changing pups only vs changing pups and switches/pots! thanks again for the continued help and support!

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I've not tried the Nashvilles but it looks like they're aiming at more of a Gretsch (Filtertron) vibe, so they will be different to your stock pups and SD 59's etc.


I did swap the stock pups in my Sheraton (and the wiring) for GFS Vintage 59's which were a good improvement. At the same time in a different guitar I had an SD 59 which was better, a richer, more characterful tone. As you say, more expensive, but you gets what you pays for.


And definitely swap out all electrics.

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I did swap the stock pups in my Sheraton (and the wiring) for GFS Vintage 59's which were a good improvement. At the same time in a different guitar I had an SD 59 which was better, a richer, more characterful tone. As you say, more expensive, but you gets what you pays for.

And definitely swap out all electrics.

NO experience with the SD's. Do have a set of the GFS Vintage 59's. I'll go along with Vomer. You get what you pay for. As to the SD's I've never heard anyone complain.

As to the GFS 59's....I put them in a L.P. and have no complaints. The sound they produce is very akin to Epi stock pups except they are much cleaner and more defined.


Sorry, don't know anything about the Nashvilles.


Better electronics are a good idea in terms of dependability. Especially switches and jacks.

Many say they get a warmer more natural sound with clearer highs when going to 50's wiring and PIO caps.

Others say "If you don't like your sound, change your pups and get a new amp.

The debate has been going on since the Indian tribes discovered Columbus.


Personally I just don't like Epi stock wiring. Too many wires, bad solder joints too often.



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