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Go get 'em Frampton...


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People in bands are getting screwed. Check out Matt Heafy from the band Trivium's last royalty check.



That's actually quite shocking. As were some of the comments which followed the report...


According to the statistics the band have sold almost 80,000 discs in the first week of release shared between three record releases. Assuming there were a few more copies sold in subsequent weeks that should take the total sales figure to, say, 100,000 copies.


I know things are different in the digital age but there's certainly someone, somewhere, making money from this band..........and it isn't Matt Heafy.



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That's actually quite shocking. As were some of the comments which followed the report...


According to the statistics the band have sold almost 80,000 discs in the first week of release shared between three record releases. Assuming there were a few more copies sold in subsequent weeks that should take the total sales figure to, say, 100,000 copies.


I know things are different in the digital age but there's certainly someone, somewhere, making money from this band..........and it isn't Matt Heafy.




That article didn't even include sales from their first two records, and their Ascendancy album according to Wikipedia sold 100,000 copies on its own.


Either way, I'm glad Frampton is standing up to his label, maybe if more big guys do it than they can set a precedence that will help out the little guys who can't afford to hire lawyers to go after their fair share.



Matt who?



Well he plays guitar and sings for a band called... you know what that doesn't even matter. All you need to know is he plays LP Customs and 7 string Explorers. [biggrin]

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People in bands are getting screwed. Check out Matt Heafy from the band Trivium's last royalty check.




Interesting, It doesn't say it was his only royalty check. What if the one from last week was $150,000? There is also no information on what sort of advances the band may have taken against their royalty deal.


The picture of the check is funny bust doesn't really tell us anything.

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