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Bird Buzzing


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I bought a Hummingbird and I love it...love the sound, etc. Took to a Luthier after playing for 2 weeks to change pins and string and have him check it...He said that setup from Gibson was fantastik...I told him that I kept hearing a buzz and he checked it and did not find it...

I thought it was in the pins, but the sound seems to come from inside the guitar, is it possible something is rattling inside...I am going to buy a mirror to look inside...


Any ideas?

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Welcome to the asylum and congrats on the new (?) Hummingbird!


Sometimes a loose top brace can buzz. Mute the strings and thump the top all around with a heavy fingertip and listen for a rattle. Sometimes a string ball can buzz against the pin if the string is not seated in place well. If you have the nut-attached Grover Rotomatic tuners there may be a loose nut, allowing the washer beneath it to rattle & buzz. It's a process of elimination...........hunt it down!

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Get a mirror and a light and look inside. It sounds as if it may be either a loose or cracked brace.



A while back I hepled a buddy of mine trace down a 'buzz' in his 2009 Hummingbird.


We found a brace that was split in the middle at one end.

It would only buzz/rattle when certain notes were played.

One area of the top responded well to that frequency and really made the sound of the buzz quite pronounced and easier to locate and isolate the area to explore.

We used an iPhone and recorded a video as we scanned the phone around inside the body.......


I cut out the section of video that shows the crack/split brace.

We didn't notice it at first but after a careful look through the video we saw it..........


At about the 5-6 second mark you can see the split brace.


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A while back I hepled a buddy of mine trace down a 'buzz' in his 2009 Hummingbird.


We found a brace that was split in the middle at one end.

It would only buzz/rattle when certain notes were played.

One area of the top responded well to that frequency and really made the sound of the buzz quite pronounced and easier to locate and isolate the area to explore.

We used an iPhone and recorded a video as we scanned the phone around inside the body.......


I cut out the section of video that shows the crack/split brace.

We didn't notice it at first but after a careful look through the video we saw it..........


At about the 5-6 second mark you can see the split brace.


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Appreciate the clip a lot – not sure I see the crack, but never the less. . .



Its right at the end of the leg of the X-brace that is showing in the clip. It split vertically , like a forked tongue.

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