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Les Paul Jr Funk Improv


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'Bout friggin' time! [flapper] VERY well done, great sound and excellent camera work. Loving that Excelsior (as I can tell you are too). That Jr. makes me miss my '57 Jr. I sold 15 years ago more than I ever have (only had it 2-3 years).


Somewhere around 2:30 ish (and through past 2:45) you were playing some type of Octave/Fuzz, do you recall which one it was? (and if a clone, what was it a clone of?). Sounded great (were there other pedals in the mix together?).


Saw the other demo too, also cool. I presume you'll be doing some more specific demos of some of the pedals with ID? (Probably a lot more work and a lot less fun...).


Thanks for putting this up!

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