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Always a quandary


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Hey, whaddya gonna do boss? The best practical outcome is that your family situation doesn't change. You probably always wished that your bro would be "this or that" but it's too late for stuff to change. Once you get to be our age, the issues are too deep to go away. The best you can realistically expect is that you can still be the "responsible one" and that your bro will always be a "pain."


That's o.k. There's nobody patting you on the back giving you the credit you deserve, but that's the way it works with most of the "good children."


Now, how's the stepparent thing going? - speaking of being the bad guy. :unsure:


But we got your back!

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Stepdaughter situation is excellent. She's a typical 14 year old that hates the world but we get along fine. I have never tried to be the parent nor have I tried to be a buddy. I'm just there. She is an excellent student and no trouble whatsoever. I'm very lucky. Her sense of humor is just as twisted as her mothers (and mine). Since Penny and I have been together there has never been a raised voice in the house. We are low key, low maintenance, and no stress, unlike my previous life, which was Jerry Springer every day.

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Stepdaughter situation is excellent. She's a typical 14 year old that hates the world but we get along fine. I have never tried to be the parent nor have I tried to be a buddy. I'm just there. She is an excellent student and no trouble whatsoever. I'm very lucky. Her sense of humor is just as twisted as her mothers (and mine). Since Penny and I have been together there has never been a raised voice in the house. We are low key, low maintenance, and no stress, unlike my previous life, which was Jerry Springer every day.


Wow!! You sure you're on the same earth as me? Just kidding. My stepkids are grown and both doing great. They love life, work hard and make lots of money.

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I'm glad that you finally came up with a resolution to the Dobro issue.It seems that every family has one -or more-members who are quite good at bankrupting themselves-and others too if given an opportunity.I have a sister in law who managed to bankrupt her parents and two husbands as well as causing all of them to lose their homes.Now she and her husband are living in a car but we've washed our hands of them both because they've gotten thousands of dollars from us and other family members and always swore to pay it back but never did.I don't care if they have to go to the town dump for groceries,I'm done with giving them a free ride.Her husband was asked to resign from his job of 20 years (they gave him a break and didn't fire him)because he owed so many coworkers money and kept hounding other coworkers for loans that management just had to let him go before he started badgering clients for money too.

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  • 1 year later...

Aaaaand the Dobro is back.


My brother has decided to pack up and move 1500 miles away. He's already bought a small house in FL and his place up here is for sale. I know the way money goes through his hands it will just be a matter of time before the Dobro ends up in a pawn shop 1500 miles away. Not letting it happen. I have a little surplus ebay money so I bought it from him yesterday for $800. Of course I got the speech that he would buy it back at some point but this time I know better. That statement is worth a pound of smoke.


I know it's just an instrument and if HE doesn't care about it enough to hang onto it, then I shouldn't care either. Not rationalizing or justifying anything anymore. At the age of 54 I've decided if something makes me feel good inside, then I'm going to do it and if it doesn't, then I won't.


Right now I feel good knowing where it is.



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