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Masterbilt EF-500M in Kailua

Fran Guidry

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We're back in Hawai`i, the beautiful windward side of O`ahu, so I'm back with my Masterbilt EF-500M. I feel really lucky to be able to leave this little sweetheart with a friend so I don't have to go through the hassle of flying a guitar to and from California.


I've been roaming the neighborhood looking for a good location for a video and when I climbed the rise leading to Lanikai I knew I'd found it. The view across Kailua Bay is just breathtaking there and it's easy to set up the cameras.




Unfortunately it's right on a busy street, so miking the guitar was out. I went direct, using the Duncan MagMic pickup into a Zoom A2 processor and then into a Zoom H2n audio recorder. I used a Lumix GH2 for the main shot and a GoPro HD Hero2 for the wide time lapse.




The song is an old waltz written by the last reigning monarch of the nation of Hawai`i, Queen Lili`uokalani.


Hope you enjoy it.



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I enjoyed that very much, Fran. Great playing, and incomparable scenery.


It's amazing how one person can use a couple of affordable pieces of equipment small enough to fit in a backpack and produce moving pictures with sound that would have required a vanload of gear to produce just short years ago. You use them well, too.


Enjoy the islands!


Red 333

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It sounds great Fran! It looks beautiful, and you Masterbilt sounds wonderful! I'lll have to try that one day with mine!


If you mean you'll have to take yours to O`ahu, cruise over the Pali to Kailua, hang out at the beach on a beautiful day, and play some slack key, I agree - you really should do that <grin>.



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I enjoyed that very much, Fran. Great playing, and incomparable scenery.


It's amazing how one person can use a couple of affordable pieces of equipment small enough to fit in a backpack and produce moving pictures with sound that would have required a vanload of gear to produce just short years ago. You use them well, too.


Enjoy the islands!


Red 333


The current generation of video enabled system cameras has really changed the game, indeed. And the low end keeps getting better and better as well. GoPro announced a new model with higher resolution and more control over color balance just since I shot that clip. Even cell phone video keeps improving.



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The current generation of video enabled system cameras has really changed the game, indeed. And the low end keeps getting better and better as well. GoPro announced a new model with higher resolution and more control over color balance just since I shot that clip. Even cell phone video keeps improving.




GoPro just announced a 4K model for $400. For those that don't know, 4K is twice the resolution of HD. Monitors capable of displaying it cost like $25,000. For now, the images will have to converted to HD or less for most people to watch them. Why make a consumer-level camera with a resolution that can't be easily displayed? The extra resolution means you can resize and reposition your subject easily in a digital editing system. For instance, if there was something in the frame you captured that was further away than you wanted ideally (these type of cameras have fixed focal lengths, so you can't zoom in with the lens to make something bigger, you have to get closer to it), you could zoom in on it later with your editing system, and it could still look fairly sharp and clear. Amazing times.


Red 333

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Beautiful playing. Love the guitar. Do you have a capo above the nut? Does it serve any purpose?


Thanks Fran; Your love of this genre shines clear through.


Thanks to all for having a listen.


The capo is just hanging around there. It's actually in the way when I do a C minor chord in open G, but I've gotten in the habit of leaving it just above the nut. As you might imagine, capos are a useful tool in the open tuning world.


I'm hoping to pick up a new GoPro Hero3 in the next couple of days if they didn't all get sold from the local Best Buy. The 4K mode mentioned by Red 333 is limited to a very low 12-15 frames per second, but there's a 2.7k mode at 30 fps that should be useful, along with a 120 fps 720 for slo-mo and lots of other intriguing features. In some ways it's kind of silly, because I don't engage in the kinds of action sports that are usually captured on the GoPro, but I took my current camera to the beach yesterday and it was too much fun being able to video while splashing around in the surf. I wound up laying down a music track and creating another little video:




No pics of the guitar in this one, but the recording chain is the same as the previous vid - EF-500M, Duncan MagMic, Zoom A2, Zoom H2n.



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You can really put that little camera into some previously impossible places and get truly unique perspectives. Very cool. I thought i was going under when one of those waves came at me! And your playing was impressive as always.


Thanks for the little histories of the songs in the YouTube comments, too; Slack Key is relatively unknown to me, except for when it's used in TV and movie soundtracks, so it's nice to learn a little bit more about it and who wrote the various songs, as well as hear it performed so well.


I'm not so sre how useful the 15fps 4K mode would be, but the Hero3 in 30fps 2.7K mode should provide plenty resolution for any post production digital zooming and re-framing, if you care to do any later. Plus, it's said to have an even sharper lens that shows less pincushining (fish-eye distortion at the edges of the frame), so that's another plus.


Red 333

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