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How many have this kind of Guitar top?


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Hi Ya'll,


Just a whimsical question about the aesthetics of your Gibby Acoustic guitar soundboard. I have 2 great sounding & playing Gibsons, Dove & J-45 Custom and as you see in the photo, the two pieces of the soundboard don't match each other that will. By that I mean the grains look really different (maybe clear grain on one side and grain lines on the other for example. Or in my case, the grain matches but looks like they reversed the direction and one show light the other dark).


I wonder how the two pieces of the sound board are selected? Ironically, the backs of these two great guitars really match wonderfully. Of course, I hardly ever get to see that! :rolleyes:


What's your guitar look like and take the survey. I wonder how many are like my two. My Reissue Gibson J-160E is a beautiful match and it was the lowest price of the 3 of them. Also, most of my Epiphone Acoustic match rather well too! [confused]


Thanks for taking the time. Hope this is fun & revealing to some of us.





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They usually bookmatched (split, opened like a book and glued), but depending how the original piece was cut out of the tree, the light is reflected differently on each side. If you take the same pic with the guitar upside, the other side will most likely look darker. Here's a good article on the subject of grain runout that explains the apparent mismatch in darkness - http://www.lutherie.net/frankford.runout.html - Near the bottom of the article you find these two pics -



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Oh I'd agree 100% with it reversing & it being the way the light is reflected back Kahuna. I was just meaning that Most of the guitars I have AREN'T like this with the match and was wondering how many others had that same effect or look.


Thanks for the info. It's always funny to me (not ha-ha type either) how the more expensive the guitar doesn't always bring about the most time/care in selection & construction for beauty & attention to detail. Then on the other hand, the Epi's I would have that match this way, may be way messed up with something simple like the TRC or a badge being screwed to the guitar so crooked that you wonder how it left the factory.



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