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From Witmark demos (Dylan: Boots Of Spanish Leather)


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There is a thread on here about Jackson Browne's sig guitar and his "Something Fine" song is posted. Which is a fab recording. And j45nick posted (thanks!) that it reminded him of Dylan's "Boots Of Spanish Leather." Wow, I found this --




I just LOVE this. This is Dylan at his best. He could sing! Does anyone know if the Witmark demos... are the songs good recordings like this?


It's cool to find good guitar-vocal-only recordings.

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That album cover is one of the all-time greats, with a young Bobby and a young Suze Rotolo, may she rest in peace.


"Ah, but I was so much older then; I'm younger than that now..."


This is a truly incredible recording. Great sound quality. Sounds like his J-50 to me.


The slide show accompanying it is great as well. Love that photo of Dylan, Suze, and Van Ronk at about 3:10. Van Ronk was a vastly underrated picker, and he was apparently Dylan's main guitar teacher about that time (about 1963-'64). Or at least that's what Van Ronk claimed to anyone within earshot, including me, but only after I bought him a beer. He hung out in all the clubs in the Village, and was in the bar at Gerde's Folk Ciy practically every night when the group I worked with had a week-long gig there in 1971. (I was doing sound by then, not performing.)

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The Witmark demos are very interesting and I recommend them to Dylan fans. They capture him at a time when he was in his folkie period and really spoke to us boomers who were caught up in that music. One man and his guitar ... which was indeed (mostly) his J-50.

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In case you're unaware, The Witmark demos are publishing demos. There are also Leeds Music publishing demos. Or maybe they're one in the same. It's been a long time since I untangled those facts. The important thing to note is that yes, these are great performances and that no living, breathing human being should be without every Dylan album from his first through John Wesley Harding. From there, everyone's mileage will vary.


Boots is from The Times They Are-A-Changin', his third album.


Apologies if this too pedantic, but thought I'd mention it, in case there are some young Dylan fans who have yet to take the full plunge. (If you are without the 1960s Dylan in your record/CD library, by all means splurge on the Mono Box and enjoy it the way it was meant to be heard.)

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