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Guitar Players Pick SuperBowl...


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I was there today. It was unreal how big an event it was. There was a thread topic a while ago asking what was the loudest crowd noise you ever heard in a stadium....well this is my answer. [biggrin]


This was my view before the stadium was full. They had to close the gates because the stadium was over capacity and there were 3 times as many people outside the stadium and in the streets. The entire city was gridlock.



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That is awesome Saturn.

Good for you and the entire Baltimore community.

What a great party!

I can only imagine what a great time it must have been. [thumbup]


Thanks Cali..it's nice to get encouraging comments about Ravens from outside this city. It seems they aren't very well liked around the country. But, they are a class organization from the owner on down and the whole team does a lot of good in the community with charity, appearances and such.


I know only about 3 people care about this thread at this point, but here is one more bump...some video I shot as the team arrived into the stadium after coming in a parade from City Hall. Ray comes out at about 5:00 for a last symbolic "protect this turf" display and dance


BTW..that loud voice right next to the camera is not me... :rolleyes:


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