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Jules Vern's zucchini


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Men are walking on the moon today,planting their footsteps as if they were zucchini on a dead worldwhile over 3,000,000 people starve to death every year on a living one.

Earth July 20, 1969

Richard Brautigan


Is he saying he's jealous cause he can't go to the moon too? or that Neil Armstrong should sell his rocket and buy eggplants for Africa?

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Richard Brautigan was a beat poet and writer, A Confederate General from Big Sur, Watermelon Sugar, Trout Fishing in America, Sombreo Fallout,, and many others. His poetry is satire, postmodernism and very witty. You take from it what you find in it. A what does this poem say to you?

Here is another good one,

December 30

At 1:30 in the morning a fart

smells like a marriage between

an avocado and a fish head.


I have to get out of bed

to write this down without

my glasses on.



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