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Cigarette burns


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This is a (April) '64 Bassman bought in 1988 in San Jacinto Ca. It sounds great with my '03 LP despite the burns the previous owner left on it. Solid pine cabinetry and all the I.D. marks inside the speaker cab match up. All original inside the big box.




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Thanks Pippy...I bought it and a '58 "P" bass from a customer at the club I was playing. It needed some cleaning up, but its pretty much mint minus those few blemishes. The rest of the amp is near spotless. I did have to buy NOS tilt back legs and replace the tubes...but it just wails with one of my LPs going through it. I have a list of folks interested in buying it for waaaay more than I paid for it. It also doubles as a bass amp...not the greatest, but for the gigs I use it on it is sufficient. (55 watts RMS so I've been told)

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An old Fender Bassman head may be the best guitar amp ever. I've used a 66 Bassman head on and off (more on than off) for over 30 years. [thumbup]


I've been cycling my amps in my avatar and had intended to pop the Blues Jr. up next. Think I'll move the Bassman up in the rotation.

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My brother had my circa 65 Bassman head and 4-10 cab for something like 20 years we thought. It turns out when he left here for Seattle he left the head at Mom's. I rescued it but... he has no idea what happened to the cab. So I'm kinda in the market since everything else I have is a combo of one size or another.


And... yeah, I'd want something that would work for guitar as well as bass... and doesn't break an old man's back.


Alternatively... yeah, I'd sell it, but sheesh, it's heavy and it'd likely cost as much to ship.



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Milod.... the head is 29lbs and the cabinet weighs 42lbs on this '64 Bassman. I tried once to carry it as one unit. I didn't carry it too far. Now I use a hand truck. As for smoking I quit 11 years ago. I stopped drinking about 30 years ago. Never cared much for it. Besides the amount that I did drink in a year wouldn't get you tipsy.




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Yeah, I never weighed the 4-10 cab, but it surely seemed heavier than my nominally 40-pound combo. For some reason ditto the head feeling heavier than a 35-pound combo I have.


Worst? I had a Fender Leslie that I don't know what it weighed, but was a monster to move around even when I was in my 30s and training 2 hours a day on average.


Yeah too, should have done the hand truck thing but... My big old 120-watt tube amp has wheels that work quite well but ain't been outa the house in around 7 years or so.



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I feel you sir.


There is no logical reason why such laws should be imposed on others, and such is the case with smoking in bars or clubs, it is clearly an imposition that has no ethical or logical reasoning behind it.


If the 'majority' was to benifit, than it would be the case that owners and patrons of the establishments would be mostly in favor, but this has never been the case. The majority in this case, being those who do not partake or contribute to the 'minority' who do frequent such establishments. If it was true, then those who are not smokers would become a majority in such establishments, but they aren't.


It just doesn't make sense to impose upon others when you aren't involved.




There should be a law against having laws against things that aren't illegal. Same for taxes intended to deter people from doing things that are legal.


How many generations of wuss will be raised before the light goes on? Or off for good ...


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Shred...in Pennsylvania if a bar doesn't serve food you can still smoke. I play every other Wednesday to raise money for the local Food Bank (freebie) and I come home stinking like an ash tray. I know exactly what you mean. When I was actively playing most of my gigs were in N.Y. or Ohio...no smoking anywhere there...so my clothes and myself were always odor free.

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