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es 339 i did it


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I did it, I know some of you will shutter as you read this. I put a bigsby on the the new es 339 . and I love it. Very cool sounds and the tuning is not an issue. I also )and here comes the shuttering) grew very tired of the sticky neck and said F bomb, yes I shaved the neck. Took flap wheel to it. Not he first guitar I've done. I will admit it is 1000000 times better. I took this great guitar and made it excellent. pics below












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After not owning a Gibson for a few years I am not yet used to the lacquer neck. A daily carnauba wax helps to keep it smooth feeling.


I like the Bigsby. Did it require any drilling to mount? If not, I may get one sometime down the road to try out.

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Damn, Whoobla.......


That looks great. Well, not the neck.........


Kidding. I too, have the vintage burst, but don't have a problem with the neck. I'll wear through that nitro soon enough, mine lives in bars.


But, man, that Bigsby was made for that thing.


I love it.



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Thanks for the comments. I read and heard about the wax, I tend to like the shaved neck. A commitment though. Only if the gtr requires it. The Martin No, the Taylor No, the les Paul No, the tele , yes, the Gold top, yes, the seagull (both), yes, and the epi, yes/ Never looked back. Funny I do know of players that are friends that have no problems with it. I had to . As for the Bigsby ,

another commitment, and yes holes. Two. But I knew the gtr and a bigsby would work well. I mean look at it. Very nice to have. I feel like I have two great gtrs. First real rehearsal saturday went great with the es 339 . And I felt it was the right thing. Now I have seen and read hereon these forums that there is a means of doing it without holes.

Details and the es 339 I don't know. I was in the right place to hold a new es, and the b 70 bigsby and check it out before buying. Looked perfect. Got it for $170 can.

Did the work, boom bigsby.



I know the neck looks .. well rough at parts. But it is very smooth, lemon oil and 0000 steel wool. And when I play iot the resulst are excellent. In fact I'm surprised know one has freaked on me yet

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