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  1. Valerly, I am a mediocre, amateur, non-gigging, non-recording guitar player, so for me, the number of "necessary" guitars is really just one. By way of full disclosure, and to muddy the waters, I own four acoustics, and two electrics. I suppose I could make a reasonable case for one of the electrics as well. The other four, not so much. They are the result of "want", not "need". RBSinTo
  2. I believe that this question is impossible to answer, because in most cases, one likes a given actor's performance and calls the role perfectly cast because it is the only one that exists for that particular role. It is possible for example that had Tom Sellick rather than Harrison Ford played Indiana Jones, he would be considered to have been perfectly cast, and this could be said for the hypothetical performances of any of the actors who were considered, but ultimately not cast for a particular part. Comparisons can be made when a film has been shot more than once, but these are uncommon. RBSinTo
  3. Rabs, I don't know about anyone else, but after reading about this, I've regained the will to live. RBSinTo
  4. Chief, I think the Super Patriots would be outraged, and the rest probably wouldn't be upset. My Ibanez was made by a Japanese-owned company who has/had this particular model made in China and stated as much on the label, so I wasn't surprised, besides not caring anyway. RBSinTo
  5. Thanks Chief. I didn't think you'd think so, because it was made in China. RBSinTo
  6. PrairieDog, Yes, I've read that one, as well as "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman" and "The Character of Physical Law". Plus a ton of books on Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, and Cosmology written for the layman. I do have a copy of Einstein's book on Relativity, as well as a book by Kip Thorne and Hawking, but the math in each is beyond my undergrad level, so I learned to stick to those books that use non-mathematical analogies to explain the concepts. I'm currently reading "On the Origin of Time" byThomas Hertog. Have you read it? Very interesting, but even for a layman's book, a tough slog. RBSinTo
  7. PrairieDog, OK then, here's another one. It was his conclusion at the close of the Challenger Shuttle disaster investigation: "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled." Which was his polite way of saying don't £uck with Mother Nature. RBSinTo
  8. Well, He's in the box. But until you take a peek you'll never know what state he's actually in. And that state will only occur when you look. However, it is a little known fact that Richard Feynman proved mathematically that even without looking, the probability that the cat is sleeping is 100%. RBSinTo
  9. OrdinaryNimda, Here's another picture of him, when he wasn't on stage. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tDP1TcwKojPMWD0EkotKs_MUyhOzig6vC0lMy89tQgAlZgK7w&q=erwin+schrödinger&rlz=1C1GGRV_enCA844CA844&oq=erwin+schrodinger&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCEC4YgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQLhiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQLhiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCjEzMDgyajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Boy he sure looks different with his glasses and pipe, don'tcha think? RBSinTo
  10. sparquelito, That is a lovely and tastefully simple-looking guitar, and if I understand your narrative correctly, very kind of you to give it to a friend. RBSinTo
  11. sparquelito, Yes, that's the guitar, except that mine has a complete neck, very nice headstock, and gold (!!!!) tuners, none of which the one in your picture has. Exactly the style (and finish) I wanted. Thanks for the kind wishes. I was playing it this morning through an amp and was very pleased with the sound. $500.00 CDN/ $366 USD for the pristine guitar with all the accompanying stuff that came with it when it sold as new, was an excellent deal, so no regrets or buyer's remorse. PrairieDog, Thanks for taking the time to give me a lesson. I appreciate it. RBSinTo
  12. PrairieDog, No. As I recall, Sgt.Pepper once posted a photo on my behalf, that I emailed to him. I have never used Imgur. RBSinTo
  13. PrairieDog, I suppose in a way, taking home a guitar like this one is analagous to getting a pet from the rescue shelter, although in this particular case there were at least two other people who were interested in the guitar, so I'm glad I bought it when I had the chance. I'm playing it here at home as I write this, and am very happy with it. As for those Quantum Physicists who will claim that unless I post a picture of it, this purchase didn't take place, (Schrodinger's guitar), I respond that if I knew how to post a photo directly from my phone, I would have done so, but I don't. RBSinTo
  14. As I always do while visiting our Son and his family, who live in Port Elgin a small Ontario town on Lake Huron, I dropped in to a local shoppe that sells used musical instruments and second-hand books, to browse. Hanging in the window was a used Ibanez AF-105-NT-12-01 guitar, in pristine condition, and complete wth hard-shell case, instruction manual, truss-rod Allen keys, case-lock keys, and the original bridge, which had been replaced with a better intonation-adjustable one. While I couldn't find an Ibanez-users site, I did find a bit of information that indicated that while this particular model was excellent value in it's price class, it wasn't the acoustical equal of it's more expensive cousins. Last year, I built an inexpensive, hollow body, single cut-away kit electric guitar, and while I enjoyed the experience, the low-end pick-ups and tuners, as well as my poor soldering skills meant that even to my tin ear it's sound was, not surprisingly, mediocre, so I thought the Ibanez might be a nice upgrade. Additionally, after checking prices on ebay and Reverb, the $500.00 Canadian price seemed very reasonable. I played it through an amp in the shoppe on the three days we visited, and yesterday, bought it. I'm very happy with it, and feel it more than meets my pedestrian musical needs. RBSinTo
  15. Ceptorman, Yes, during the non-summer months the weather gets rather brisk, and if you're not careful, you could freeze your kuznetzov. So if you come up, best bring wear fur-lined gauchies, lest your bag get freezer burn, if you catch my drift. RBSinTo
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