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marco mancini

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Everything posted by marco mancini

  1. Hello there American brothers i need your advice for a choice that i'm about to make but i still don't know well whether it's worthwhile as far as the construction quality ,how the guitar gets the final check and who assembled the guitars , is there so much difference to justify the money spent ? https://ibb.co/n1yC81y https://ibb.co/Lt0kwVZ thanks to everybody
  2. Se non ha preso urti mi verrebbe da pensare che solo un problema di laccatura pero' non vorrei che quella al manico sia una spia di qualche scollamento sotto tra il body e il manico
  3. i fear the baking soda could ruin the fabric of the case , at the moment i'm keeping the case wide open into my room not out in the cold and brushing away the dust, and from time to time spraying over it the FEBREZE , that light product which is used to brush away odours from dresses and outfits shirts and so on , It is very strange indeed i have got a PRS custom which i kept in its case for 25 years and it still tastes of new when you open the case up .
  4. Just what i have done , i put the firebird in this gig bag bass which in comparison is smelling like a meadow in spring time which in turn makes the guitar smelling like a rose https://ibb.co/k5r33RC the problem of this hard case is basically this , the former owner of the guitar probably has let the guitar closed in the case with used strings smelling of rust impregnating in turn the upper side of the case where the strings are in contact with the fabric of the case above , if i change the strings and i close the guitar into it the new strings get up the rusty odour immediately which in turn get on my hands and stay there no matter what , this odour has in a way infested all the case , well i hope is not gonna be a situation beyond rapair . 😕
  5. Does anyone know how to clean the in interior of a custom shop case and change the odor of the material inside it? I premise that it doesn't seem mold stink it looks more like that the rigid material inside is getting old and need a refresh. Cheers https://ibb.co/q5GWT87
  6. Hello there mate , Martin for his acoustics which i have one, gives the range between 45-55% and temperature between 72-77 fahrenheit all right ? with the boveda pockets in every guitar acoustic and electric with the hygrometer into the cases it gives me a temperature of 73 and humidity at 57 % , my question is whether or not the 2 way humidity boveda control 49% are healthy inside or i d rather better to leave them out of the cases , well i believe that a little more of humidity cannot be dangerous for the wood both for the electric and the acoustic guitars even tho when i take them out to play them i find the tuning sharper , what do you make of that then ?
  7. Thanks mate , love England too ,this summer while on Holyday at EASTBORNE i made a leap to London to pay a visit to this shop https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/stores/camden great store in a very lively neighbourhood
  8. Oh gosh i quite forgot to tell you that tomorrow in Milan at PALAZZO DELLE STELLINE Corso Magenta 61 there's the Second hand guitars you can even trade your gibson for a high end model for few quids. https://shgmusicshow.it/?lang=en ciao !
  9. Thanks so much mate , yep i really love it , very light indeed , without defects , and the thing i love the most is that it is brand new and payed at list price 1.999 euros . ciao e FORZA AMERICA ....always !
  10. Look if you live in Milan you can easily go to the best luthier of the area who he's also mine , and he will tell everything about your guitar , on top of that he's very knowledgeable on Gibson guitars ciao ! http://www.molinelliguitars.com/
  11. Which area of Italy do you live ? if you are in Lombardy region i have a master luthier for you to set well your guitar cheers
  12. Hello there American brothers My goodness me at last my dealer in Italy has received the last rick Beato brand new left around , it came yesterday in and this morning i went there to pick it up . thanks to Gino's Guitar of Milan for the seriousness and honesty to which he treats his customers really appreciated indeed ! https://ibb.co/s1h7b69
  13. hello there American brothers In all my gibson guitars cases i keep an envolpe of this product against humidity and dry believing that they are protected by both but despite of that, every time i do not play one for a while and i keep it out to play i found the intonation a little bit sharp , my luthier told me to keep them out and leave the guitars alone , my question is whether or not keep them inside is healthy or not . thanks to all and FORZA AMERICA ! always
  14. Job done mates a little cheap indonesian squier telecaster with a couple of Dimarzio's which screams like a lion i put on the bridge the Dual Sound DP101 just because it was the pick up of one of the greatest guitarist America produced back in the days his name ? JEFF CARLISI of 38 Special , one of the greatest rock roll band which had two guitarist able to speak to one another with those screaming guitars without mistakes ! CARLISI and BARNES great couple who are still with us thanks God ! SKYNYRD UNIVERSITY Forza America ! ........always with you ! https://ibb.co/M6rt0CS
  15. hello there American brothers is it ok to put on a squier telecaster with chinese cheap humbuckers a di marzio Dual sound 101 on the bridge and the Air norton on the neck ? will i have a more robust kind of gibson sound with the 0.10 strings on it ? thanks to everybody and VIVA L 'AMERICA ! ...........always
  16. Well i bought it today and i just love it but i want to give her a more robust sound like a gibson what can i put on the neck along with the di marzio dual sound DP101BB+BK . ? cheers
  17. hello there American brothers , i d love to buy this little tele by Squier because i d love to have a tele with Humbuckers on it , i know it is an entry level guitar do you have any tips on upgraded to be done to make a near pro Guitar .ps. I already have a di marzio dual sound DP101BB+BK to put on the bridge then what i can do for the rest of it ? thanks to everybody and keep on rocking as the great Don Barnes of 38 special says ! https://ibb.co/TPfttQ9
  18. Was the Gibson Custom Shop dept. like that in 2016 and the years before that ?
  19. Guarda di solito una standard dovrebbe tenere bene l accordatura forse sul SOL puoi avere qualche problema ma non piu di tanto io ti direi ma penso che lo saprai , prima di montare le corde di mettere un po di grafite sul capotasto dove passano le corde e poi una volta montate di stirarle per bene . ciao
  20. They are "drawing" ideas from the Southern rock , these riffs are similar to what Molly hatchet did back in the days . kudos to them tho ' i like the song very much and the video is terrific
  21. Dear Pepper , the problem are deliveries , guitars that the customer pays up front and it takes ages to come on the other side of the pond
  22. 🙂 Broken a bit like your government mate , inn'it ? 🙂
  23. How can anybody goes back to Gibson and saying that the guitar is ruined when they sell at 9 k something like this ? https://ibb.co/4YT3wTB
  24. Well i think you are spot on mate ,USA market is much profitable than the belly of Europe no wonder about that , but if you decide to give a dealer in Italy the official licence to sell Gibson Guitars they should be treated as fairly as you treat official gibson dealers in North America and that is not the case i'm afraid .
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