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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. Nod, all true. And you are right, the skimp is the sneakiest. Sometimes you can catch it if the ingredient order changes, like the filler is the first one now. I got tipped off to the shrinkage when I noticed the TP no longer filled the holder, used be tight edge to edge, now slides around. I was so ticked I actually weighed an old roll and a new one. This is what I got: And we paid nearly 5 bucks more for the pack, head-shake.
  2. I hate the things and rarely have mine on me. Only for work. Funny story, we were buying a car after that lightning strike I mentioned above, and were still carrying around flip phones in 2018. The new car came with one of those link systems where you can use your phone and wifi connected to the car. Despite explaining not to bother setting the system up for our phones, the young woman insisted she could do it. She just could not get her head around the idea we had technology that predated Bluetooth, from the 20th century, and it still worked.
  3. I’m just funning at you for bragging your phone tells time as good as a five figure watch. Just observing the $26,000 is going out of your pocket either way, and you won’t have a guitar to show for it.
  4. Loved my Casio back when it was the new cool, “hip” thing out pacing Timex. Lost it somewhere along the way. Nice looker.
  5. Oh,😄 sorry, I thought I was replying to Slim and he was being sincere. Now I see you were poking a bit of fun at the national dish. Good one.
  6. 😆 We got a preview of that! The tree by our house/driveway got hit by lightning a few years back. The bolt went through the roots under the drive and toasted the electrical system in both our Outback and the work-truck. Tiniest little burn hole of the exit in the back window. The Subie was 10 years old, but only had ticked over 100,000 miles. Thinking we’d have it another 10, we had just sunk 3 grand on a new gas tank the mice had chewed through, and replacing the backseat sponge that sat on top of it. We literally had driven home the night before on a brand new 2k set of tires for the truck. It caromed off our well-head, blowing our garden to smithereens, We had just restored it after having the well pump replaced a couple days before. We found 20 pound rocks tossed across the drive. And some of our plants, well we never found them, just vaporized. Then the charge got in the phone lines and took out any electronics connected, including our phones, router/modem, and the brand new 65 in Samsung Q9 I had just bought myself for a treat and the motherboard for our geothermal system. It traveled 200 feet down the buried line to the barn office and blew that phone hook up across the room. thank god we had everything for the business down there on a giant surge protector. It paid for its keep in its sacrifice that day, RIP. Not sure if it was in the lines or just the nearby strike blow off, but our neighbors 1500 feet away had 2 phone jacks catch and fry out. We’re damn lucky it didn’t start any fires in the wiring. So yeah, This is why we don’t mind our walls of packed bookcases. Paper reading material is going to be the new bitcoin when the apocalypse hits and the internet disappears. 😄
  7. Just a note about any water getting near an old guitar…. If there is any checking at all, even just surface scratches, minute amounts of water can get into the cracks and trapped. It will start interacting with/lifting the finish, or make more haze. Think permanent water rings on your new mother-in-law’s antique side-table. (I may speak from experience, “Where were you raised, in a barn?! Dontcha know to use a coaster?!”). Used correctly, naptha will evaporate before it can do damage to broken surfaces.
  8. Ahhh, just curious, are you getting that CDN price from Dave’s site? I am sorta familiar with importing things, and I’ve not had something double in cost due to the VAT/taxes. You seemed to say that L&Q was quoting that price. They would have nothing to do with this sale. Dave would ship it directly to you. Anyway, wish you were in southern Manitoba, I’d just run it across the border for you, lol.
  9. Nod… I so rarely carry my phone I don’t even give out the number to anyone. We still have land lines for the business. I confess to wearing an apple watch that has cell service, but it is mostly for safety, it’s got that fall monitor/locate beacon feature for when I’m out in the wilds, or need to call the office or home. The heart monitor has also been useful. Great looking watch…and the knife has seen some things….. And Speaking of watches you could buy a house with, years ago my dad made a big point of telling me that he was giving Grandpa’s antique Patek Phillipe pocket watch to my brother. I had no quibbles with that, his stuff to do with as he saw fit. Happy for bro. Fast forward 30 years, my brother generously offered to hand the watch off to me. I told him I didn’t really need it, but I’d look into getting valued and we can decide what to do with it, since neither of us have kids and it’s time to start thinking about these things. It had always been described as having the kind of value that elicits those fainting gasps on Antiques Roadshow. Maybe we could pad the retirement accounts a bit. I started to do the research and found it may have been over-hyped just a bit. Sure, a nice very pricey pocket watch, but unlikely either of us was retiring to the Riviera on it. Still, I opened it up to get the serial number to send to Patek for verification, and found poor Grandpa got taken. While the case and dial are right, the movement is a fake.
  10. Just gotta say, inflation has dropped back down now. Just an article today pointing out the trouble is the greedy Marketers figure people are already paying 7.00 for a box of cereal, so let’s let them keep doing it, even though the raw ingredients prices are down and the supply chain has loosened.
  11. You are not using the epithet correctly. “virtue signaling” would be pontificating you understand and appreciate caring for instruments better than other folks here who feel differently. Live and live, huh?
  12. And all that stuff costs more this year. Have you noticed how much more you are paying for less TP than before the pandemic? For groceries they can shrink the amount in the packages and keep the prices the same, for a while. Guitars not so much. All the stuff that goes into making a guitar, including the wages, had gotten more expensive, just like that can of soup.
  13. Well, until the battery is dead, or the phone is obsoleted, chuckle. And how much do you pay a month for that DST convenience twice a year that comes with your data plan? Do the math, between the phone charge, data plan, and having to buy new devices at some point, people are spending close to the same money for their tech over 10-20 years as they would for that guitar/watch that will always work .
  14. Well, back to our other thread, given this one IS handmade, and there will only be 20, what do you think the price should be? Just because I can’t afford a Maserati doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be built and sold to the people who can, shrug. I don’t fret about the Jasper Johns I don’t have hanging in my living room either.
  15. Bummer. My mistake, I thought the one at Dave’s was used, so not like L&Q has a say in it.
  16. I’m confused. Are you saying a different one is for sale up there for 7,000? That’s crazy.
  17. Sarge, I never said they were. Come on, it was a josh about “attitudes” and some insisting their guitar was glued together in luthier heaven by angels. Let’s just let my lame joke die a natural death, okay?
  18. Huh, maybe this makes used guitars from the polar regions marginally more desirable? We tend to be trapped in long sleeves for like 9 months out of the year. I wonder if that’s why I don’t see haze on any of my guitars, including that 1910 I just picked up.
  19. Are you guys looking at the same guitar? Dave F said his at Dave’s was 3750. US. That’s only a tweak over 5,000. CDN
  20. yeah, I was just tweaking at the snark that is often cast at Taylor for being “mass produced,” and observing obviously everyone is using tech these days. Some Martin folks feel there is some handmade mystique and want to believe their line-run guitars are somehow different because they are built by “Martin.” I’m just being cheeky. No real offense intended to anyone.
  21. I thought that 2019 date for the “special” stamp was weird since I thought I saw it mentioned earlier, but figured what do I know about Martins? I bet 2019 is when they instituted a standard policy, and before that it could be arbitrary, depending on the order if they got the stamp or not. Or, maybe just one of those forum myths, and I perpetuated it, chuckle. At the risk of blowing up an old dead horse…. To compare, I wonder how many guitars “mass-produced” Taylor made that year? Kinda hard to envision 84,000 guitars being made at luthier benches 😁 (Prairie Dog quickly dives back down the burrow, dodging the flames of Martin loyalists.)
  22. Hi Rachel, it gets a little complicated with those 6 digit ones. If it’s legit, the year looks like it would be either 1968 or between 70-72. If yours has “made in USA” stamped on the back of the headstock, it’s post 1970. Whether it’s real or not, you’d have to post some pics (use imgur to link the photos). Lots of sharp eyed folks on here who know about that than I do. And they may be better with the date. I just checked what the reverb site says. You might want to start a new post in the acoustic room, you’ll likely get more eyes, since this is a pretty dead thread.
  23. Found this on a discussion on the Martin Guitar forum: “The "SPECIAL" designation was introduced in 2019 for large dealer runs.” Some other folks said it didn’t have to be a large run, but just a run requested by a store with some tweak to the standard build. Probably the equivalent of my “Limited” Autumn Burst finish DIF done for Sam Ash.
  24. Ici! les nouveautés: https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Collection/acoustic-custom-shop-modern 🤷‍♂️
  25. Sometime between 72 and 79. With such a short run, I wonder if the year matters much? It’s not like having to sort through decades of originals and reissues. A quick google search shows what they are going for. On reverb you can see current and sold prices.
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