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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. Careful of the implants, talk to folks that have gone through it, and really think it through. Both my dad and my brother have done it. My dad’s was early on in the tech before they figured out to do it on the WORST ear first, as a result he lost most of what little hearing he still had in his good ear. (He might be the reason they now start on the bad ear, chuckle.) My bro had it done just last year, but I understand you can’t use your hearing aids while you are re-training your brain, which takes months. He just couldn’t deal and kept cheating, especially since he was still trying to hold down a job (at 82!) Lost the window for them to work. Now he just has bits of useless wires in his skull.
  2. Probably coming from the bit in the guide that says, 499 and under was Kala and over 500 was Nashville, but that was only during the transition, before the move to Bozeman. It’s seems folks miss that part.
  3. hmmm…. Did you see the post where the former owner said he bought it new from a shop? Maybe that fellow had the original that the fake (if it is a fake) was made after, since Gibson confirmed the serial number. However, rethe gold plating pitting: pure 24k is so soft you can dent it with your finger nail. It would just rub/scratch off in short order. I’m guessing there must be an alloy involved. Sweat (salt) and electricity creates an electrolysis condition that can pit even high grade metals. I have seen first hand how Gibson gold plating pits, tragically on a 72 Flying V reissue medallion series, bought at the time from a very rep store. After a few years, the medallion had developed a little patina/pitting and some idiot told my buddy to take some Brasso to it to shine it back up. Took the plating right off. Doh.
  4. Well, if it was sold to you as a 2019, you got a problem right here. But you need to call Gibson to verify serial numbers. To make any other judgements, we’d need pictures. Fakers can put legit serial numbers on a bogus ones, but last I checked 2022 was pretty late for 2019, rueful smile. Use Imgur to upload.
  5. Grin, well yeah, that always kinda goes without saying…
  6. So the folks that send me the phishing email banking offers, riddled with typos, have branched out into guitar labels? Diversification, the key to business success.
  7. Well, as long as it didn’t cost anywhere near real Gibson coin.
  8. I know I said I was sitting out, but all you have to do to send a Vikings fan sobbing into their beer is say two words: Field Goal
  9. Hey, thanks! It’s been leaps and bounds since and dragging old muscle memory out of the cobwebs. Having a great time, even with the banjo distraction 😉
  10. This bitter and disillusioned Minnesotan will be sitting out this thread….
  11. Putting a shot of the “custom” headstock in the middle of the others to me would mean, “run away, runaway fast.” Oh, and the words “this is not a copy” Right up there with “No, Ma’am, I’m not a land-shark.”
  12. Got to see Iggy and the Stooges back in the day. Someone pranked the fancy downtown hotel into booking “Iggy Pop” into their ballroom. A Fellini-esque scene in my head of leather and chained, mohawked, Doc Marten stomping punks mingling menacingly in the hallway with the Brooks Brothers/Chanel set. I was not into punk myself back then, more a self-destructive metalhead. I was there just for the Bowie association, and my friends were “punk adjacent.” And some of Iggy’s stuff was tolerable. I still quote lyrics from “I’m Bored” especially now that “I’m chairman of the bored/board” 😏 Yeah, nothing happened, but that is the crux of the biscuit, as Frank says. It was just pointless, self-serving posturing and acting out. I cringed for the needless anxiety and fright to the folks on a “nice night out” who got caught up in it. The show was unmemorable, apparently.
  13. Nod. While I try to take care of my things, stuff happens, and yeah, I used to lose it. Now I take some comfort in buying pre-dinged things and it’s quite freeing knowing my bonks aren’t going to be the first. I’m sure it’s been mentioned here someplace how the Japanese even celebrate breaks in pottery with a special process, Kintsugi, mixing precious metals into the mends to highlight the patterns from the breaks. It begins to look quite beautiful once your eye gets it.
  14. Well, that is the most basic result of the “free market” certain folks are so fond of: unfettered inflation. Covid shut down the supply chain, no one was in the factories, or at the warehouses/harbors, so goods either couldn’t get shipped, or the ingredients/parts to make the goods weren’t available. Limited goods + high demand = high prices and the opportunity to gouge customers. Outright greed was the prices that were jacked on items that predated the Covid issue, but used as an excuse make extra coin off stuff the store bought a year before. And despicable greed is rampant now, as the supply chain has recovered, goods and parts are mostly readily available again, but prices aren’t dropping equivalently back to 2020 levels.
  15. I heard they were gonna be jamming with the Trilateral Commission….should be a real power set.
  16. I believe it was “On the verge of getting it on” George Clinton/Parliament Funkadelic more wasted brain cells I wish I could recycle.
  17. I gotta say, we’re having a lot of fun with the 2011 mini we just picked up. The first model they introduced in sitka/sapele, the entry level of the group they offer now. But gee has it opened up. For a build firmly ensconced in the “affordable” range, the little thing can really hold its own against our other “serious” guitars. We brought it back to GC because it was mislabeled as the all hog so we were way over charged. But when we played the new ones, including both a hog and this model, they were “nice,” but they all sounded super tight in comparison. So we came back home with the simple 13 year old one, (and a nice price adjustment.) Just goes to show age does make a difference, and even a modest guitar can come to sound great with enough of it.
  18. Nod, all true. And you are right, the skimp is the sneakiest. Sometimes you can catch it if the ingredient order changes, like the filler is the first one now. I got tipped off to the shrinkage when I noticed the TP no longer filled the holder, used be tight edge to edge, now slides around. I was so ticked I actually weighed an old roll and a new one. This is what I got: And we paid nearly 5 bucks more for the pack, head-shake.
  19. I hate the things and rarely have mine on me. Only for work. Funny story, we were buying a car after that lightning strike I mentioned above, and were still carrying around flip phones in 2018. The new car came with one of those link systems where you can use your phone and wifi connected to the car. Despite explaining not to bother setting the system up for our phones, the young woman insisted she could do it. She just could not get her head around the idea we had technology that predated Bluetooth, from the 20th century, and it still worked.
  20. I’m just funning at you for bragging your phone tells time as good as a five figure watch. Just observing the $26,000 is going out of your pocket either way, and you won’t have a guitar to show for it.
  21. Loved my Casio back when it was the new cool, “hip” thing out pacing Timex. Lost it somewhere along the way. Nice looker.
  22. Oh,😄 sorry, I thought I was replying to Slim and he was being sincere. Now I see you were poking a bit of fun at the national dish. Good one.
  23. 😆 We got a preview of that! The tree by our house/driveway got hit by lightning a few years back. The bolt went through the roots under the drive and toasted the electrical system in both our Outback and the work-truck. Tiniest little burn hole of the exit in the back window. The Subie was 10 years old, but only had ticked over 100,000 miles. Thinking we’d have it another 10, we had just sunk 3 grand on a new gas tank the mice had chewed through, and replacing the backseat sponge that sat on top of it. We literally had driven home the night before on a brand new 2k set of tires for the truck. It caromed off our well-head, blowing our garden to smithereens, We had just restored it after having the well pump replaced a couple days before. We found 20 pound rocks tossed across the drive. And some of our plants, well we never found them, just vaporized. Then the charge got in the phone lines and took out any electronics connected, including our phones, router/modem, and the brand new 65 in Samsung Q9 I had just bought myself for a treat and the motherboard for our geothermal system. It traveled 200 feet down the buried line to the barn office and blew that phone hook up across the room. thank god we had everything for the business down there on a giant surge protector. It paid for its keep in its sacrifice that day, RIP. Not sure if it was in the lines or just the nearby strike blow off, but our neighbors 1500 feet away had 2 phone jacks catch and fry out. We’re damn lucky it didn’t start any fires in the wiring. So yeah, This is why we don’t mind our walls of packed bookcases. Paper reading material is going to be the new bitcoin when the apocalypse hits and the internet disappears. 😄
  24. Just a note about any water getting near an old guitar…. If there is any checking at all, even just surface scratches, minute amounts of water can get into the cracks and trapped. It will start interacting with/lifting the finish, or make more haze. Think permanent water rings on your new mother-in-law’s antique side-table. (I may speak from experience, “Where were you raised, in a barn?! Dontcha know to use a coaster?!”). Used correctly, naptha will evaporate before it can do damage to broken surfaces.
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