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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. Nod, I was already thinking about that and debating whether I want to “know” and possibly spend the next few days anticipating disappointment if it’s not an Original, or just wait until we’ve been introduced so I can play it with unbiased ears and not let any model snobbery color our meeting. After I wrote the comment above, I realized it can’t be a Studio since the label doesn’t say that. So it’s either some tweaked Standard or an Original. Assuming it’s not a dog or broken, I expect it should be a great guitar either way? PD says with hope springing eternal.
  2. Yeah, it was weird, I kept trying to choose “ship to store” when I started the checkout, but the screen wouldn’t advance. It wasn’t until I chose ship to my zip code that I could move through to the pay window. I bought it after hours, and called when they opened, because I had a question about the truss rod cover. It was the one thing giving me pause. This one was blank, when all the other orange labels I saw were engraved “Hummingbird.” I was speculating maybe the previous owner didn’t like the busy look and put a plain one on. I was hoping the original trc was in the case. It wasn’t, but I mentioned the weirdness with the shipping and he confirmed with used gear now, you can’t ship to store. I wondered why they still have the button there, but I wasn’t going to press it or argue with him since he still had to pack it up 😬 The TRC isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, but it raised a question and my eyebrows enough about what model it really is, to only risk the purchase because I had the return policy protecting me if it turns out it wasn’t an Original, there were shenanigans, or somebody messed with the neck and broke the original trc. Or maybe it’s not an Original at all, but a studio, or some tweaked down black Friday “shop special” version that sparked the orange label. There are so many variations it’s hard to know for sure without holding it. Too bad the label just says “Hummingbird” so at least I know it’s not a ‘60s 😏
  3. Thanks Forty! Nod, I’m sure it will be fine, and yeah, I’m ready for anything in the condition, since there zero close ups except for the label. I’m just spooked about being able to prove it’s the one they sent if I do have to toss it back. I checked the inventory at the store, and their current Gibson acoustic inventory, new and used, consists of one j-45 Standard, and two Studios. So, I’m pretty sure they could have only sent the one in the photo, chuckle. But with the listing gone now, and the photos with it, it would be proving such to the store. 62Burst said they do enter the serial numbers in their records, so I’m hopeful my store can access that if sadness arrives. If all goes well, this will be the one that fills the “last niche” in the racks. (PrairieDogs digs a hole to duck away from the “famous last words” jokes 😎)
  4. Our state got rid of inspections in the 90s tax/budget slashing. While I don’t mind not having to sit in that line, I sure give a wide margin to some of the vehicles I see yawing and squealing down the highway at 70-80 mp, ever thankful for the recirc button driving behind the black clouds of burning oil.
  5. Nod, me too. I’ve always been focused on buying local/trying before buying, except in just a couple cases. The second guitar I bought was the DIF from Carter so I was really flying blind about how it was all supposed to work. I didn’t even know who Carter was, they just “looked legit.” 😁 And the guy was great working with my dumb questions. Since then we had one Taylor mini come cracked in shipping from Daves, but they were great in making that right. (We saw it back out on the floor the next week, marked down, and wow, they did a great job, you’d never know.) Then we had Dave’s ship a Godin hollow body from another store to us. I was worried after the last time, but it arrived perfect. Then a banjo from Elderly, there was a little bump in the description, but they all worked hard to make it right. I wouldn’t hesitate to use any of them again. Otherwise all the others have been local catches. Thanks for the reassurance that everything has turned out okay shipping with GC 🙂
  6. Thanks Boyd. Nod, I have bought a few from GC but always in person. And never any trouble if I had to bring something back because it didn’t work out the way I hoped. This was my first cross-country try with GC. I’ve ordered from other reputable folks, like Carter, Elderly and Daves, and the paperwork was always precise and clear with photos. The invoice for this one has nothing to identify what I bought, except for that model description, not even the usual thumbnail, hence my raised nerves. I wanted it shipped to store as you observed, for safety, but turns out with used gear that’s not an option. Probably to keep people from ordering a bunch to try, and then loading up their local store with the discards.
  7. Bummer about the tires, but sounds like some great times.
  8. Thank you, 62! That is what I was looking for! Whew. I think I can relax now. Now I only need to lose the fingernails waiting for it to get here. Problem with buying over a holiday weekend 😁
  9. Lol, but I don’t think GC takes kindly to be scammed back in return! I have absolutely no doubt they will take it back if it matched what was on the order. This one will not. I’m only asking if they track serial numbers, because that is my only proof I am returning the same guitar that is in the order.
  10. You probably need to read my question again, grin…. The crux is if something is wrong I’d be bringing back a guitar that looks nothing like what is written on the order. How will I be able to prove it really is the one that was listed and not just a crappy old beater I had laying around I was trying to scam a return on?
  11. Smirk, yes, I know you have “opinions” chuckle… that is why I was asking about how they TRACK sales. I’ve never had trouble returning things to the store I bought it at, so I was thinking it would be no big deal here. If I do end up getting screwed, I’ll pay you to drive up and hit a golf ball through their window over there in “Hickory Corners.”
  12. This is for folks who have ordered used guitars through Guitar Center (Yes, I know some aren’t fond, but this is the game I played). This is the first time I’ve had something shipped from them. I’m looking for a bit of reassurance. It’s not here yet, but I just noticed some weirdness with the Hummingbird I ordered on Saturday. Does anyone know if GC includes the serial number in tracking used stuff in and out? I bit on a 2020 from a GC in North Carolina. The pics made it appear to be an Original, with what looked like the antiqued binding and gold Gotohs, and pearly buttons. While the front pic was dim, you could tell there was definitely no dark burst. Maybe a natural, there was a hint of light shading around the bout so fingers crossed, the Heritage Cherry poorly lit. It had an orange label, so even though the pics weren’t great it had the hallmarks of an Original. So I pushed the button relying on the GC “no questions” return promise if turns out to be a sunken, fretless, twisted neck dog. So, here’s the concern: I just noticed my order confirmation says “Hummingbird Standard, Vintage Burst” and the thumbnail pic is just the blank, “coming soon. “ I KNOW what I ordered was not a vintage burst. So then I noticed there was no product SKU on my order conf, or on the original posting (I had taken a screen shot of the label just before I put it in my cart). So there is no way to confirm that the guitar coming is the one I ordered, if it’s the wrong one. Now, if it plays great and the condition is good, I’ll be bummed it’s a dark burst, and not the original, given they are the listed at the same price. So it might not be a deal breaker and it could roost here. My fear is what if it IS an Original but I need to return it because it’s a dud? The order says, Standard Vintage Burst, which would be nothing like what I brought in. Would GC be able to confirm through the serial number it’s the same guitar that was shipped? Looking to save some fingernails over the next five days. Thanks for any reassurance.
  13. Good goal! 😄 Of course, most folks here like Gibsons in some form, and have owned one or more, and other folks may be able to point you in specific areas, but really the best is go to the store and play every one you can. And preferably out of the same model as your own amp. (Unless you are getting a whole new rig). It’s really the best way to do it. The weights, pickups, necks, everything are so different on each one. Even if you don’t buy that exact one, you’ll get a feel for what it should be like. The pro side is they are gonna be different, in a really good way, than your current line up. And I’m guessing the only con about buying one will be choosing. For me, I wouldn’t get hung up on “signature” models. Buy the one that’s a gas to play and make it your own signature through your style. After all, Slash didn’t get where he is playing Slash model guitars. Any guitar will play anybody’s music, as long as you can. Heck, for screwing around I’ll play Smoke on the Water on an acoustic 😀
  14. Okay, a Long way around, but a great story
  15. Are you on imgur? I got that message once so I deleted a bunch of photos that are now broken links, including my bear video 😞 But I only had like 20 pics in my file left and was still getting the flag. On a whim I tried making a new guitar folder to put pics in, and that worked. Haven’t had the problem since, although I haven’t posted too many pics since.
  16. Great job!! Really nailed that one and the video! thanks for sharing. Wish I could experience it again. Only once, decades ago when I was a kid on a road trip out east. Freaked me out, chuckle.
  17. Well, technically, Canada is above us all… 😆 duck, grin… seriously, They are some great people. And just saying a lot of Minnesotans yearn to be redrawn in the map as South Manitoba 😁
  18. What a tremendous gesture to trust you with. She knew it would be in the right hands… May that guitar continue to be warm blanket to your friendship.
  19. Chuckle, nod, and “squirrels” as I now understand… 😆
  20. Nod, I seriously get it. That’s why I’m here for the guitars 😎
  21. Don’t mean to stir the embers but back in March when the bridge got knocked down by the container ship, I understand there was a kerfuffle on one of the threads talking about it, and the thread got taken down. Temps were rising and some benching or threats of hand slaps meted out in the aftermath. I had already checked out of the thread, seeing the storms ahead. But it was around this time Murph went silent. I know he was pretty upset over how something was handled. I figured he’d be back either after he did his stint, or had time to reboot. Still, it has been a while. I sincerely hope that is all there is to it.
  22. Yeah, I have gathered there is a lot of that around here 😏 but I figure guitars are a good neutral ground. I still gotta admit I sure ate some popcorn watching you two dust up.
  23. I think Murph got put in time out during the big bridge fall down/blow up. I for one miss his contributions. I think Murph maybe got timed out during the “big bridge knock down/blow up.” He could be gnarly but I kinda miss his contributions around here. They were always colorful. Hope he makes it back.
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