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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. Wish I could find a loony toons cartoon eyes popping out emoji… Sweet group!
  2. Are you the one who left the negative review, or are you the second buyer of this guitar? It sounded like that reviewer got a refund after a hassle… maybe you will too?
  3. Shouldn’t it have an orange label? I see it’s missing the “guaranteed” language. Or is that a Japan order thing? I thought I saw a post a while back about overseas having different guarantees. Maybe that is why the label is handwritten? But the label does look… odd.
  4. Two gorgeous birds there…. Love the color tones on them both! And boy, that was a tremendous present.
  5. Ahhh, you have solved the enigma. Poor dude, hope he sees your reply.
  6. Chuckle, of course, but didn’t they violate it when they left behind all those henges and giant heads for generations to ponder and future archaeologists to dig up? Spawning centuries of culture wars, and popular media industries debating “who did this?” 😁
  7. Woodworking/cabinet making suppliers should have sheets of mop veneer. Takes a steady hand, but inlay is mostly just being very careful with a very sharp cutter. There are computer programs that can take an image of the design and create a template for. The harder part, the routing, is already done!
  8. Pluto TV: Gunsmoke 24 hours a day, free. 🙂
  9. Chuckle, as an archaeologist, those alien shows drive me crazy. If the aliens had space travel technology why did they just leave us with some “lego” pyramids and rock circles instead of warp drives and fusion? What would be the point for them? Spend all that energy to come play blocks with us, and then just leave? They could have colonized the whole planet and extracted whatever resources they needed. The human brain was just as powerful back then as it is today. It was capable the same kind of higher thought and imagination we have. We didn’t need “foreigners” to teach us how to build and create. We did all that great stuff ourselves, and it’s even more amazing when you put a human hand to it instead of making us helpless apes at the mercy of outsiders. Well, this, and we’ve never found a single bit of alien trash left behind in all the excavations done at all the places aliens supposedly had a hand. Which also happens to be the reason we know for certain time travel isn’t going to happen. Not a single cigarette butt/gum wrapper in King Tut’s tomb 😄
  10. Living in the past here: Boston Legal, NYPD Blue, House, 30 Rock, British Antique Roadshow and This Old House reruns. That last one is dangerous….chuckle.
  11. Oops! It’s the “Golden Cup!” Sorry. As to the age, I should have clarified. I’m speaking of folks who doing in the mid-1800s through the turn of the century. If you happened to see the Golden Cup Inn in Henley come up in the google, that is the right one. (I come from a weirdly deep-generationed family, so my gg-uncle was born around 1850). And while the pub name has been continued, the building that’s on the register in the place where my grand’s pub was may have been rebuilt after a fire or something. We just found something indicating the building and facade may only go back to the turn of the 20th century. My gg-grandfather was listed as the pub owner on that spot in the 1870s. Oh, and yeah, re being a publican, I couldn’t keep the hours anymore 😄 but it was fun dreaming about it. It is a tiny spot, but I thought what fun to have a session room in the back room for music!
  12. Chuckle, no worries… and I kinda forget that London for you is like a trip to Lake Superior for us 😁 I was in England in 1976 (yes, I spent the bicenntennial July 4th with the Redcoats, lol.) I had a wonderful time. My family has deep roots in Britain. My mom’s side came from the Potteries. My g-g uncle was a china painter, and his dad built a pub called the Golden Crown in Henley? It’s still a thing off and on, from what I can tell. At one point a few years back it was advertised for lease “come to england and run a real life pub!” I paused for just a second… 😄
  13. Welcome Greener, you need to post some pics for folks to help. The serial numbers alone don’t mean much, other than some clues at build dates. Use a photo site like Imgur to upload pics there (size limits are too small here) then post the “direct link” into a post here. Depending on what type, electric or acoustic, you might want to make the post is a subforum that centers on that type. And hey, post pics of all three!
  14. I wish I lived a life that had me saying, “I *have* to go to London” 😀 Have fun, if you get to.
  15. I’m voting for Studio one too, That is what we just got. That will be great for moving forward, but I understand the problem right now is converting what you have recorded already. I don’t have much experience with recording, but I do with creative file transfers. I’m just wondering if Cakewalk created the equivalent of a photo RAW file during your sessions somewhere in its guts? If you can locate that, you might be able to just do a re-save as an MP3. No clue, but it is protocol for most creative programs to have uncompressed/unformatted data stored somewhere, just for this reason, to be able to save in a variety of formats. Have you seen this article about how to change file formats on PCs using iTunes for windows? Be sure to make copies of your WMAs and use those so you don’t accidentally compress your originals. That would be sad. Also, check that you didn’t by default have DRM or copyright protection switched on. Not sure if that is an option in Cakewalk, but it will affect the quality of file transfers so turn it off if you can.. https://support.apple.com/en-us/108961
  16. I thought “more than mint” was when the raw wood hasn’t even been scraped by the planer 😄
  17. All strength to you dude!! Hold on to that attitude. it makes a world of difference. Speedy recovery.
  18. Just pointing out, it is unlikely he would have been doing too many repairs on what would have been new guitars back then. My guess is they were parts for older instruments that needed work. Also, there was a big fad back then of retrofitting truss rods in early solid necks, especially if they had gone out of shape. So yeah, I can see them being solid hog. Go and have fun! It sure can be eye-opening to hear about the adult life of our parents that the children don’t often get to see.
  19. Cool! Re pics: use a site like imgur to upload the pics then paste the “direct link” (if you are using imgur) in a post here. The images should pop up. Love to see the pics of the Garage and the guitar!
  20. By jove, I think you’ve got it! Hope the brainac who thought of squeezing twice as many headstocks out of the board got a raise that day.
  21. And that’s a real thing. I had to miss it, but I heard after the Patty Larkin concert last month she set her Olson down during a break, and it caught the light so that it was painfully blinding a large chunk of the audience caught in beam. A stage hand thoughtfully turned it after someone went up and asked.
  22. 😄 Is there another philosopher in the house?
  23. Isn’t that kinda the point of a ML? There isn’t any way to authentically age them artificially without damaging the finish. But that does seem a bit extreme. I agree with rct, worth a try to get a return, but be prepared to embrace the “enhancements.” Sorry dude.
  24. PrairieDog lets out a long appreciative whistle… great set!
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