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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. Clearly. There are a few folks I come across and think dang, it’d be fun to just sit on the porch and shoot the breeze with…you’re one of them. Keep the stories coming.
  2. We have Culver’s. They are the only fast food I’ll eat. The butter burger is great. There was a geezer guy at our usual place (I can say that because we were peers) who knew how to make an old fashioned ice cream soda, and he’d make them for us even though it’s not on the menu. Last place we could find ‘em. He’s gone now. They said they could still make one, but what I got was basically a thin, watery milk shake. At least we have the memories.
  3. yeah, soy beans are sure important for so many things. I got no trouble except for coating the seeds now with some pre-emergent chemical. Ever since our farmer neighbor started using that kind a few years back, the sandhill crane pair that lived here haven’t had a successful nesting season after a decade of watching the family grow. The past few years, they hatched a colt or two, but by the end of summer the colts are gone. I think the adults have finally given up on our place. They came back this spring, looking like they were going to set up housekeeping, but we haven’t seen them around now for many weeks. It’s a bummer. As far as soy plastics in cars. I think the tide has turned. Our EGO tools, which are all wiring, have been fine parked for five years in the same place the old OHC engines were (knock on wood). And we haven’t had the same trouble with the replacement Crosstrek, except the squirrels have devoured the insulation… at least the car runs with that missing 😄
  4. Was it somewhere here that somebody said a there was a rumor a bunch of GCs were closing? Or maybe another forum. Anyway, I really like ours, the guys don’t have any attitude, and are really helpful when dealing. And it’s laid out nice with lots of private spaces for trying things out. But it was as you say, “weird” yesterday. The Gibson wall was empty, save for 7 LPs hanging in the “also rans” rows. It looked like they brought a bunch of warehouse stuff out onto the floor, and a whole “string/doodads/extras display was dismantled and filled up with Fender boxes for small amps or something. They had no description except a model number. And the guys were not as umm “sociable” as they usually are. All seemed pretty serious. I’m worried they got some bad news which is going to be a bummer for us, since they are the only convenient store in our area. We didn’t get a chance to ask what was up before we had to take off.
  5. Lol, naw, the bolt took out the entire electrical system. The only way we knew it got hit (it was parked under the tree that took the main strike) was when we went to start it to move for the electrical crew, it was dead, and we found a tiny exit burn hole in the back door panel. The insurance company totaled it. I heard from a friend who works in the industry the insurers in cases like this where the body/engine is fine, they go ahead and repair the wiring harnesses and contacts, then sell them to third world countries that don’t care about “salvage” titles. So I like to think it’s tooling around the backroads of Botswana or something. I got a good settlement for it, so I’m not complaining. Covered most of the cost of a new replacement. The strike took out our work truck too, which we had just driven home on a new set of tires the night before. Insurance even covered those. As for bad luck, there is one giant stroke of good luck here… It happened after we fixed the mobile molotov cocktail that was our car. We probably would have lost our house in the explosion 😅
  6. Okay, yeah, but I was in GC yesterday, and a guitar had a special, “new lower price” tag showing the old price of $749.00 in a little circle. The flagged “NEW LOWER PRICE”—$749.00. Wow!!! They even did the math for you: “Save $0.00” sheesh.
  7. Glass raised and clinked. Out here in the country, we kept having mice take out our gas yard equipment. We were always replacing this wire/that air filter. It’s why we ended up switching to the EGO battery system. Bought a push one in a panic when our rider was once again out of commission and we had to mow for an event coming up. We couldn’t believe how great it worked and how easy it was. We now have the EGO z-turn rider and it’s the slickest thing. You were lucky though the mice only hit your mower. Our worst was when a critter got into my 10 year old Subaru with only 100k miles on it. Besides wiring and air filters, they chewed through some plastic (the perils of soy based plastics-they taste like food to critters) that tied into the gas tank, which sat under the backseat. The back seat became a giant sponge soaking up the now leaking gas. With the wagon otherwise in great shape, and so few miles for a Subie, we decided to drop the $3,000 on the repairs. Three days after getting it back from the shop, our wallet still aching, it got hit by lightning…
  8. Did either of you read my original/not translated post? I was not being “mean,” just practical. Yes, it’s sad, but it IS a lesson. They had a return period and they didn’t check the thing over while they had a chance. I said nothing about it being normal for Gibson. I only said I didn’t blame the STORE for not taking it back outside of the return window. And if it’s so obvious bad, I do find it hard to believe it came from the factory like that and no one from the QC-to the store-to the customer noticed the defect. The buyer never looked at the fret board? I know you all love to bash and mock the host of this forum (and members you don’t care for), but all I did was offer some accidental ways it could have been damaged without them noticing. I wasn’t “blaming” them or saying they did it on purpose. I was just looking at a hard played 2022 guitar and you could follow the preferred playing techniques by the gouged wear patterns on the fret board and the frets. Real life. Shrug. I don’t get the point of the hostility from certain corners. I guess deploying the hide button has been useful.
  9. Hi there! Great looking j-45! I saw you have a 714 ltd sinker. Is it the 2019 NAMM? I have one and I can’t believe the sound that comes out of it. It’s right at the top of my herd and easily holds its own against my Gibsons.
  10. A hard lesson to look closely at everything the minute you unbox, if it was there from the store. I think you would have seen it when you opened it up. It’s pretty obvious against the dark wood. I don’t blame Thompson. It easily could have happened under your care. Do you wear a ring while you are sliding your barre chords? Did it get dropped? Something leaned against it/it leaned on something rough? Do you have a cat who thought it had a new scratching post? How hard and often do you bend your strings? It just looks very much like what happens when a guitar gets played hard to me.
  11. Re the necks. I have an original 1910 baseball neck and I have no problem with it over my modern gibson necks. It is very comfortable to play, and I have smaller hands. Maybe takes just a couple seconds to adjust if I’m switching back and forth.
  12. Wow, yours is rich looking! I agree about the Willicutt one. Here is the back of mine… the first one shows the true color, but the next one shows the flame a bit better. Hard to capture. And for a flame alternate to 9k, here is our bargain basement, but top of the line, ‘38 Cromwell (Gibson) 😁 (I actually didn’t really even notice it was flame till I went looking my Dove and nearly grabbed this one, but thought something looked off 😆)
  13. Ummm, not to cause trouble in the closet but just wandered by this ….https://willcuttguitars.com/products/gibson-doves-in-flight-autumnburst-079-ssdfabm2m0734-23123079?variant=41637705449531&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOoql-Vt1Dr0xFUF13I_jmCbpAH1ln2Ihvql0jbnIyq2DD0jP01ZjFlo
  14. Nod, I compared it to a new one at our other shop and yep, 7 years makes a heck of a difference. We got tied up in yardwork today, so I’m playing chicken it will still be there when I can get free this week. Still wanna play it one more time before I pull the trigger.
  15. As a battle scarred veteran of the old IRC flame wars, I believe this sideshow is why God invented the “block” button. Use it and scroll peacefully. You guys clearly are never going to sit down and have a friendly brew together. So why bother pissing at each other? The forums will be much more pleasant for everyone.
  16. I don’t think they meant to be mean, just realistic. It is in really rough shape, and that affects the price. You need to look out on the internet at places like Reverb to compare what other ones sold for, and compare the conditions. Few people will pay top dollar for something they have to sink tons of money to get back into shape. You would do better spending the money yourself, get it set right, and then price it to reflect the work you put in so the new owner won’t have to. It’s still never going to be mint again but it might sell easier.
  17. Pd whimpers just a little bit heading out to pick up a bargain basement 2017 standard…
  18. To be clear, not laughing at you, laughing with you, 😄
  19. Dave as always, you are the hero. I was sure/hoping you would be the font of all knowledge. Thank you. Yes, as I suspected, the “rosewoods” both have upgrades this one doesn’t have. I got plain dots and a white label. Cool! Looks like I’m heading back across the cities. Glad I asked. PD steps up to leap off the wagon…
  20. Nod, I’ve seen Autumn Burst on a couple other models and it always turns my head… I’ll try to remember to put you in my will, Danville 😁
  21. Could one of our walking guitar encyclopedias help me out? There is a 2017 Standard J-45 that I really liked. The sales guy thought it was rosewood, but it has a regular, white label, and no “special” badging or finishing. It’s definitely not the slimmer Studio version. So I put it back since I really want mahogany. We have plenty of RW already. I was thinking maybe I just liked it so much because it sounded “familiar.” Still, I really thought I was hearing the hog thumpiness. The finish on b/s is really dark so can you barely see the grain but I think where you can see through there are mahogany notes in the grain. I thought inside it looked like hog, but I’m not as confident tagging unfinished wood. Thing is, if I squinted right I could maybe see straighter RW-type grain in it. But the lighting was store “artsy” so it could have been a trick of the halogens. I came home and dug around on reverb, etc., and can’t find any hits for a Standard J-45 rosewood in 2017. There were some earlier standard rosewoods, but they all looked like they should have been badged custom/specials with orange labels. Anyone know if the guy was just blowing smoke, and really is just good old, regular Plain Jane Standard? The price is in line for a used regular one, so it’s not like it’s being up-charged or anything. I’m just kinda hoping the guy didn’t really know what he was talking about. Help push me off the wagon?
  22. Well, he’s a good lookin’ fella! Very Handsome. I hear some roosters can be a handful, that’s why we were so lucky we just fell into “big guy.” He was just kinda the Zonker Harris of chickens. I swear his crow was “Cock-a-dooodle-duuuuuude!”
  23. Oh that’s a good looking Dove. Thanks for lightening this bit of the thread. I agree with everything you are saying. I’m sorry the egg experiment didn’t turn out as expected. The folks who got our eggs with their bright yellow yolks, loved them. Assuming the historic site birds were still fed some sort of feed in addition to foraging, I wonder if it was corn-based? The name brand commercial preps usually are. Ours was a local mix of whole grains. They got corn cobs occasionally, just for treats. One amusing thing that set us apart from other firms, for a while, our employees got an “eggs and hamburger” benefit/perk. When we bought our place it came with a dozen chickens (so a dozen eggs a day) and we once bought a 1/4 beef from our rancher neighbor not understanding how many 100s of pounds of ground was involved 😆. We’re just two people! So the staff could raid the fridge and freezer whenever they wanted. Anyway, unlike most farm birds, these ones being tended by misplaced city folks, ours all got to live out their natural chicken lives even after they stopped laying. They were amazingly fun pets. We didn’t realize though they can live 10-12 years. Our rooster was so mellow, he actually liked to be picked up and held. Unlike some roosters, who can be a dangerous problem, he never bothered his girls. If he tried to get frisky with them, they’d just give him a look and sidestep, and he’d start pecking around as if to say, “oh no! Not me! I wasn’t trying anything!” He would always find treats and excitedly bring them over to give the gals. He was a good boy. When the last old girl was all alone, we realized she was afraid to cross the big yard to her loafing bush, so every morning one of us would stroll across the yard with her, where she would settle in safe from the hawks, etc. In the afternoon, we’d fetch her back and she’d cluck and chortle all the way, like she was telling us about her day. They were really great birds.
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