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Sheepdog1969 last won the day on July 7

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    Northern Illinois

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  1. you got words bro! (Hard to type because the "eye sweat" is blinding me!!!)!
  2. The word is, "Motivation". She's a smooth operator and pretty cute to boot. I have "learned her" to control the boys. Watch and see.
  3. That's because my kid wasn't there yet. Put your money on Crimson, it's a sure bet.
  4. Thanks brother, for the wonderfully beautiful song. It was spot on! It made my eyes quite "sweaty".
  5. Damn straight!!! I am the "Capstone" baby. (It's a Bama thing.) ROLL TIDE!!!
  6. Guess what Mr. Valli, (and the 4 seasons), I'm defiantly a "Big Boy", but over the last couple of days, I found myself tearing up a bit. (and if you tell anybody I'll kick your a$$). I happen to be experiencing a number of new things that each, in and of themselves, tug at my heart strings in ways I am quite uncomfortable with. 1. My incredible, highly intelligent, and inexplicably "old souled" 18 year old daughter is soon to "leave the nest". On August 8th, 2024, the best thing that ever happened to me, will begin her colligate experience as a Freshman at The University of Alabama, pursuing her dream of becoming an Aerospace Engineer. My excitement for her is equally matched by the emotional pain associated with letting her go. Lord, it already hurts so much! I literally have spent the last 5 days building a "go bag" for her, (actually a rolling Pelican Case), that emotionally encapsulates the 18 years of protection I have provided her until now. You bet your bippy that this "go bag" contains 30 days of survival for her, in the event that the SHTF. (I have done the math, and the 12 hour drive it takes me to get to her by car at The U of A today, may take me 33 days in a worst case scenario.) I told her that she'll either take the Pelican Case to school, or I'll assume the role of a homeless vagrant, (living in a van down by the river), near her dorm, so I can provide her with discrete security/protection for the next 4+ years. The choice is hers. (If you think I'm kidding, you don't know me!) 2. I just learned that a forum friend of mine, JDGM, may not be long for this earth. I so hoped that this would not come to pass. (how freaking selfish am I? He is suffering the incalculable pain of Cancer, and I am just loosing a sharp witted friend! Yup, I'm a D-bag!) Yet, I still hurt for him, his family, and for Mesho, (his niece), who has become his liaison for us here. 3. I have come to the realization that, save for my 82 year old father, (whom I drive one hour, each way, at least one a week to help in anyway that he needs, since the passing of my mother/his wife.), I am going to be all alone. Hopefully, my daughter will be taking advantage of internships over the next 4 summers. Sadly for me, they exist far closer to Tuscaloosa than Harvard, Il.. I'm going to have to get used to accepting that what is best for her, will be a kick in the sack for me. I'm telling you that this "sweating from the eyes" thing, and the pain in the gut that comes with it, SUCKS!!! I am so used to being able to confront/defeat something that is tangible, which causes me, (or my kin) harm/pain. Someone please explain to me how I can rip the throat out of "Loss"? How can I stab it, punch it, or choke it out? My typical, go to, Neanderthal reactionary devices are apparently useless in this situation. Please don't tell me that I will have to "grow" emotionally. (I only have the emotional capacity, and maturity, of a 12 year old, btw) ,,,and if any of yous freaking idiots call me Francis, I'll freaking kill ya!!... (...to which Sargant Hulka would reply, "Lighten up Francis!") I suppose that, "This is just the way of things." To which I reply, "I STILL DON'T LIKE IT!!!"
  7. Do tell! What was that like and what was the crowd like? Did they play, "The statue got me high" or "Birdhouse in your soul"?
  8. 1st, Adamantium infused skin combined with super human healing powers would most likely prevent "cross contamination/contact" DNA collection. 2nd, Huge Ackman is too much of a gentleman to provide a scat sample, outside of a proper WC, so that's out. However, a discarded, chewed up cigar butt may provide the Wolverine DNA confirmation desired, fyi. (Olfactory) I have found that "opportunist/scavenger" critters. like bear and racoons, can be "led around by their nose", as it were. Just as "good food smells" easily draw them in; overwhelmingly caustic vapors, (or other aerosolized substances), that irritate mammalian nasal passages, drives them away. These critters primarily rely on their keen sense of smell to find food, find a mate, etc., to survive. As such, they will instinctually go to great lengths to avoid areas that have previously endangered their olfactory sense. Aerosolized Capsaicin works well, (bear spray), but so does liquid capsaicin, (hot sauce). Avian species, (birds) are unable to detect/taste capsaicin on their food, (they do not experience the "burn" of capsaicin"), but mammals do! I do not have "bird feeders", (save for the thistle and other Prairie plants that grow naturally on my property, that feed birds naturally,). But my friends that do use "bird feed" in feeders, don't have squirrel/racoon/bear issues, because they treat their bird seed with hot sauce/tabasco (capsaicin) before putting it in the feeder. PS - Thanks Phil for pointing out the dangers of discharging a firearm into the air, FOR ANY REASON. (ballistic projectiles negligently discharged, "into the air", return to earth at nearly the exact same velocity at which they originally exited the barrel of the firearm, which is lethal.) Discharging any firearm, for any reason, in any manner that does not allow the shooter a reasonable expectation of the projectile(s) striking the intended legal/legitimate target OR a safe/non lethal area between, beyond, or adjacent to said target, is always illegal, regardless of where the firearm is discharged from. Firearms discharging ballistic projectiles are NOT ever to be used as "noise makers". Blank rounds are available for said, if no other options exist. (Don't cook off a round into the ground for this purpose either, unless you want to pepper yourself with bullet fragments, or kill someone with a ricochet.)
  9. This is how Disney gets rid of unwanted bears. ‘Drunk’ Disney bear cancelled over ‘derogatory and offensive’ name After 50 years, Liver Lips McGrowl will no longer be on show at the Country Bear Jamboree https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/07/18/disney-world-liver-lips-mcgrowl-drunk-bear-offensive/
  10. Lordy, she looks amazing, and I like "Sea Foam" less than I like my ex wife. I am so pumped for you that her "tone/timbre" exceeds her beauty. (I'm "sea foam" with Envy!!!) PS - She looks so good that my second born daughter, (with the stigmatism), no longer has a stigmatism after gazing upon your Supreme! Maybe now, she'll stop walking in circles!)
  11. 135+ British pounds per pair, whatever that is in USD. I'll stick with my Ray-Bans, thank you! (Note: Apparently much of that cost relates to the tech they are equipped with which "visually changes" every guitar, when viewed through them, into a "Fender" guitar.)
  12. So, let me know if anyone else thinks this is "weird". At some point in the early 1990's, I was dating a lovely young lady who learned that I liked Star Trek. She was not a "Trekie", but she cared enough about me that she tried to combine my love of music and Star Trek into a Christmas present for me. Somehow, pre internet shopping, she found "Music from the original television series Soundtracks; Star Trek The Next Generation volumes one, two, and three.", 3 CD box set. This box set was 99.9% the exact backing musical scores from however many NG episodes they could fit on three compact discs. (.1% was the NG intro theme and end credit score.). When I say, "exact episode score", I'm not kidding. The CD's were simply 20+ minute tracks of instrumental "mood" music, (with out the parts of episodes that were devoid of musical backing.). No dialogue, no sound effects, just the backing score. (including 16+ bar "triple pianissimo" sections originally played behind dialogue or whatever.) 1. It's weird to listen to, even for a Trekie, (and weirder for a musician). 2. It is weird that someone decided to create this box set, and then to market/sell it. 3. It's weird that anyone would purposefully buy it , and far weirder if they enjoyed listening to it. Granted, these "scores" are not necessarily "weird music", but it is defiantly weird trying to listen to them in this "stand alone" format. Do people really buy these TV series backing score box sets??? (Save for my ex girlfriend who didn't know any better.)
  13. Mesho, First, thank you for taking time to update us during this awful time for you, John, and your family. I know it means a lot to John, (and the Forum members), that you chose to step up and read our posts/messages to him when ever he was unable to do so himself, (and to post/type his replies, to said, for him). You are a Class Act! I began to wonder if John had taken a turn for the worst when his communication with me, (via email/PM's), slowed down. It crushed me as I began to see how his illness and associated drug stupor took his wonderful sharp wit from his writing. I hope that you, or someone else, was able to read to him the PM I last sent to him out our trip to NASA Marshal Space Flight Center, and show him the attached pics. (LMK, if you could, if he got to enjoy those NASA/Rocket Ship pics. I know he is into NASA stuff.) Let John know that, "It ain't over until the Fat Lady sings!". Tell him that Sheepdog/Craig still plans to jam with him, either in this life, in the next one, or in that wonderful place where our guitars are always in tune, where our tone is always luscious, and where our backup singers are a literal "Golden Chorus". Let him know that he left his mark here, and that his impressive mark encompassed the planet. Until we meet again brother. I'll be seeing you in the magical flow of musical grace, until then! Love and Peace, Craig
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