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Everything posted by PrairieDog

  1. I admit I read insane as “insanely good” I realize now he could have meant insanely expensive, but yeah, I think he got a good price.
  2. And the universe is hilarious… After all this, and all the angst this week over the shipping of the mis-labelled Bird, and finally the NGD party today, we walked into our regular GC, and yeah, you know it, hanging nonchalantly on the wall, pretty as a June day, a nicely priced, used J-45 Standard that sounds like a cannon. I just can’t even... I almost brought it home just to compare, After all, it’s $1,000 bucks less, but dang it, the Hummer is soooo nice….. arrrrrggghhhhh!!!!
  3. Thanks Merciful! I hope you get to lay hands on one too.
  4. It’s a 1910 L1, with the Patent Pending tailpiece. The Hummer is great so far, gotta get some new strings on it though, I’m not sure if it doesn’t still have the originals from 2020 🙂
  5. I’m only finding my enabling, er, I mean “inspiration” here on the forum, said the pot to the kettle 😎😀
  6. Well, you notice I did have the DIF step to the side just for a moment to let the new toy have a moment of it’s own 😄 On that note about your twelver, the shops here are oddly saturated with 12 strings at the moment... even a couple birds. I suppose at some point I’m going to have to bite on some version… but we’ve been strong so far 😄
  7. Thanks E! It’s already making itself heard, and I already am. The sound makes a nice compliment to the DIF.
  8. Yeah, what he said! I have everything from a tiny 1.5x on my DIF up to the prewar baseball bat, and I can play all of them, after just a strum or two of adjustment.
  9. Congratulations!! Load up some pics, so we can drool!!
  10. Curious if you’ve tried a tricone? I have a real hard time with the harsh high trebles on a single cone steel reso, but l really dig the tricones. Of course, this is opposed to the “Triolian” which is a different thing and another single cone. Played a used National M1 wood-body tricone early in our guitar adventure, and are still kicking ourselves for not understanding exactly what we had in our hands at the time. Should have snatched it up.
  11. Thanks! and thanks for the pic pointer. I will do outside that next time. Of course, half the year, I’ll need to bundle them up in parkas 🥶 As far as the color goes, at least on my screen, it is pretty close. I tried to give a better sense by setting it between the natural Studio and the Black BB. The burst is very subtle with not much “cherry or sun” in it. Maybe why it’s called “Heritage” Cherry Sunburst? The new one I played in my GC here was also very quiet, but did seem to have a bit more color in the burst tones. Looking today with a more discerning eye, I’m wondering if this one isn’t light-struck/faded because it was kept out in a sunny room. With everything else being unexpectedly perfect on it, this could explain why it was languishing in GC purgatory and marked down. Well, I didn’t buy it to parade at guitar shows, so in the end it doesn’t really matter that much to me, as long as it plays well. I always figure, YGWYPF. If I wanted to drop the dough, I could have just bought the brand new one I tried that spun me to ‘birds instead of Js 😁
  12. This ⬆️ is why I avoid shipping like the plague! Really glad everything got worked out for you each time… sorry though about the busted one. So far with guitars we’ve had one bad experience out of four, where the top of a Taylor Mini was cracked from a hard blow to the box during shipping. The guitar was in a soft case but well bubble-wrapped, except they had kindly packed a stack of boxed strings in the already tight front pocket. You can see where the blow hit right where the strings were over that part of the bout, just like a mallet whacking a wedge. Snap. But the shop was cool. No trouble with the return and refund. Guitars are a new worry, but shipping in general can be a hazard around here. I watched my really too old to be doing the job Fed Ex driver stand on my porch and let go from waist high a package slathered with “Fragile!” “Sensitive Electronics” “Do not Drop!” stickers. I made him wait while I opened the package and photographed the wreckage. Then our lab went another week without the equipment. Another time I kept tracking the same joker as he persisted in driving a heavy but sensitive package around in his truck for two days, only to return it to the depot every night until the weekend when the younger driver could take care of it. I’m always thankful when things come by UPS, our route guy there is great.
  13. Thanks! Besides just normal shipping nerves, the real worry was if something was wrong the model didn’t match the receipt so I’d have a tough time returning it. but yeah, all’s good.
  14. Yeah, remember that sarcasm bit you were mentioning? 😏 In a previous life, I was attached to someone who did have roadies, and I am a bit ashamed to say I made a point of walking into the clubs and being clear that I was not one of them 🙄 Now of course, as a real adult I would pitch in to help 😇
  15. We used to have a fancy restaurant here decades ago that did a seven course authentic Swiss fondue service. Cheese, seafood, beef, and chocolate courses with in betweens to help with all the richness. I went once with my dad for my birthday and it was something. Of course thought I would not make it to my next one, driving home with him after he made good dents in wine service that accompanied each course. They are long gone now, but I do my own fondues with my now vintage, fire engine red, 70s Hamilton Beach fondue pot. We make all the little sauces, Béarnaise, horseradish, chutneys, and herb butters for the beef, and we do those tiny potatoes to fry too. It’s a fun time.
  16. Okay, I love fondue, of all kinds. And here’s a story: Being somewhat sheltered growing up, when we were first together a lot of our dating was me showing my sweetie all sorts of new foods. Like real Chinese food, that wasn’t chow mein, and artichokes with hollandaise sauce, rack of lamb, and yes, fondue. It so happened that the first one we had was cheese, with nice crusty bread. It became one of her favorite meals. So we had it frequently. For Christmas my family would always do beef fondue, and I was really looking forward to showing her this variation for a real treat. She loved steak and deep fried things, so I figured it was a no brainer… But every time I broached it I got this really cool, evasive response, really unusual for her with my culinary adventures. She was always game for everything. So I finally aksed, “So, what’s up? You seem really resistant to the beef fondue?” She danced around, not wanting to disappoint me, but finally blurted out, “But does the cheese gets hot enough to cook the meat?” 😁 Beef fondue still one of our favorite Christmas meals, and favorite stories.
  17. Despite the fretting early in the week about difficulties returning a mislabeled guitar, it will not be going back! 😄 Everything I was hoping for. Four years old and the engraved pick-guard is pristine. One “scratch” the guy described turned out to be only schmutz. So, just a tiny, nearly invisible jitter scratch on the back. And that’s enough that I don’t need to be nervous about being the one responsible for keeping it pristine. It even has the check list, warranty, and the case candy pack unopened. Even with some harsh strings, it sounds great. It will get the welcome home string change tomorrow once it settles in. And my first Gibson family portrait: Darn, forgot about the banjo 😎
  18. I honestly don’t care and mostly shrug when the rich are playing with their money, but that is tipping toward almost malevolent selfishness… All I can see now is him sitting on top of his pile up at the ceiling… rubbing his hands together muttering, “my precioussessses, all mine… all mine…” I wonder who stole his toys when he was a kid?
  19. Carrying monster cases… That’s what roadies are for.
  20. I actually thought “Scraper” sounded seriously intriguing. Maybe in my retirement…It would be a refreshing change from the only other job I’d be qualified for…😆
  21. Congrats!! I have an 2020 Original out on the delivery truck right now and should be here within the hour. Wish I could have gotten the baked top, but this one was a great deal, so I went with instant gratification. Have you put up pics yet?
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