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Posts posted by Digger

  1. On 6/7/2024 at 7:11 PM, jdgm said:


    Hey John I note your comments about laxatives mate.

    I've done the whole range of opioids and have been on Tramadol for years.  Same problem with constipation but recently have been having success with this stuff. https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/60898/osmolax-laxative-powder-30-dose-510g-macrogol-constipation-relief-with-no-salty-taste-flavour-free-amp-salt-free?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgovsk33_1NhgOf8ZupjcDSCIMEjpxH34_gwOuRUusOOUk6NswSk-e6BoCKNAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

    Not sure if strengths differ but I find this keeps me right for 4 or 5 days, sometimes longer.

    Sending my best wishes to you my friend.

    On 6/7/2024 at 7:11 PM, jdgm said:






  2. Hi Mate, I have always considered you a friend and have enjoyed our interactions over many years.  

    My thoughts are with you! I anticipate a positive result for you and please know I will be sending positive wishes to my friend John.  Modern medicine can do wonders these days and we all look forward to your return.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Whitefang said:

    And today is Butch's birthday too.(I'm typing and posting this on the morning of the 22nd) 

    So please pass on my happy birthday wishes to Butch, and a happy anniversary to you and Gael as well.  [thumbup]


    Certainly will thanks Ken.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Twang Gang said:

    Good to hear from ole Digger.  Getting into that vehicle must have been hard, and not sure you could ever get out!!

    Chuckle...old is an accurate description these days but I’m still here!

    Butch says they just about had to lube him up to get him in there and he is a big bloke!

  5. Butch (Retired) has had a change of career! Grin~

    On the way back from seeing the Ark replica they visited Indy and recognising talent when they see it they signed him up straight away! Of course Butch used to race his own drag cars earlier in his life.

    Not bad transitioning to track racing considering his 70th birthday is tomorrow (22nd).


    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, 10PoundLester said:

    In my late 20s I developed herniated discs in my lumbar spine.  Sciatica was so bad I was suicidal. I could not sit for any length of time because the intense pain almost blacked me out. I wasn't going to do the surgery because I had friends who did and it failed - made things much worse. As a last resort I went to a little old Korean doctor for acupuncture. His office smelled like a mixture of incense, fish and Ben-Gay.  I went every day for two weeks. He cured me. No problems again for 30 years. Fast forward to now - I'm entering my late 60s and the sciatica is back albeit not as intense as it was back when it first hit me. I deal with it by stretching. That seems to take care of it, for now. I refuse to take NSAIDs. That crap gave my wife stomach cancer. Now I'm getting the pain down my arms into my hands so I guess I have some disc issues in my thoracic or cervical spine as well.  Like Digger, I find that a CBD gummie will also help a bit.

    Thank you for the suggestion. CBD is technically legal here but only from Australian suppliers as spec is slightly different. Of course there are no suppliers yet. It’s how you have legal CBD without actually having CBD. Our govt. is illogically unhappy about engaging with anything to do with hemp. So my supplies come from the US with some trepidation each order but I might add some gummies next time and give them a try on your recommendation. Thanks again.

    I find the drops wonderfully beneficial in a number of ways.

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/8/2023 at 3:16 AM, MissouriPicker said:

    Yes, we’ve got to keep playing!  Find the things that work for you.  Personally, I don’t think that Tumeric helps much, but if I quit taking it, I might notice a difference.  Maybe adding the Krill daily makes other supplements more effective.  ……Still, the best therapy is music.

    I've been taking turmeric powder for years and it helped me heaps, though I’m using the more convenient form in tablets these days.  It has to be maintained in your system and stopping and staring won’t be effective. It took a month initially for it to do  the job but it did it well. Pain still creeps up and discomfort comes back as time goes by so sometimes dosage needs to be increased. I’ve got screws in my left thumb to lock the top joint in place and that helped a lot but now there is quite noticeable pain occurring in first two fingers of my right hand. I live on a property and work hard with my hands most days so this is potentially a problem for the future. Voltarin cream makes no difference though a few drops of CBD does help a bit.

    My back is terrible so I’m only able to work a couple of hours a day and then rest. I guess soldiering on is my only thing at this stage.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  8. My retirement came suddenly and unexpectedly some 22 years ago. It was  through health and I wish I’d known it was coming so I could prepare.

    In retrospect I’d strongly encourage anyone who is considering retirement to ensure they have enough interests to keep them busy.

    Boredom can be a killer!

  9. Digging out Jasmine roots (in small frequent doses) using a mattock. I carted a heavy trailer load of Jasmine foliage and lifted it up onto a burn pile,  then went back with a tractor bucket and pushed it into the centre. My intention is to fill the centre of a circle of tree stumps with burnable things and light ‘er up! I hope to gradually burn a pile of tree stumps some bigger than my tractor. I'ts going to take a few goes I think.

    The I moved a heap of machinery out of the way and mowed in front of the house. I’m getting really toey to have my farm shed built. 2 weeks  more weeks they are saying!

    Did some more Jasmine root digging and now in  for a cuppa!

    I’ll do some more after lunch and a quick nap....Grin~

  10. Crikey mate I’m so sorry to hear about your family troubles! I sincerely hope they all get over this thing soon.

    Sorry also about your mom, that’s a hard loss, really tough for families now with the lockdown.

    You won’t ever forget her of course and I hope you can concentrate on the good memories from her life.

    My thoughts are with you and anyone else caught up in this tidal wave of misery.

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