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Guitar God

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Everything posted by Guitar God

  1. Haha, for real Man, for 50 watts this thing is LOUD. EASILY keeps up with my 100 watt Marshall's and 120 Peavey 5150 in volume.
  2. Ever since I got my MESA Single Rectifier head, I've been wanting a matching 4x12 MESA cab to go with it. Got this 4x12 MESA Traditional cabinet off of Sweetwater and it came in today.
  3. So, I was just now looking at eBay and found this gorgeous 1992 Gibson Les Paul Standard. But, the back has "Promotional not for resale" stamped on the back of the headstock. Just curious if anyone has any info on the whole promotional thing on this guitar? Found this cool and interesting. Thought I'd share. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1992-Les-Paul-Standard-Cherryburst-Excellent/303022649974?hash=item468d8eb276:g:mRQAAOSwIbtcNBIe:rk:34:pf:0
  4. Let's take a trip back to 2000. I was 8 years old. My mom and dad were watching the KISS THE LAST KISS concert on Direct TV Pay Per View. I happened to walk in the living room to see what they were watching and I was glued to the TV. From that moment on KIS became my all time favorite band and I wanted a guitar so bad. I remember asking my dad, "What kind of guitar is Ae Frehley playing?" and he said, "That is a Gibson Les Paul." and I replied with, "That's what I want!" and I got on the computer - dial up days - and looked at every Gibson and Epiphone I could find online, haha. So, Christmas of 2000 comes around and there is a big box beside the tree with a note written from "Santa" with red ink taped to the box. I knew what the box was, I took the note off, glanced through it, and opened the thing, haha. There was my first guitar. Wasn't a Les Paul. It was a red Ibanez Gio AX series. I was just so happy I had a guitar. I liked the fact that it had that Gibson Grabber bass - like Gene played - or a Gibson SG body style. Broke my first string on it figuring out the bridge riff to Cold Gin, haha. I sadly don't have that guitar anymore. I wish I still did. If I ever see that guitar pop up again at a local store or Craigslist, it will be back in my hands again, just because it was my very first guitar.
  5. Started working on My Sacrifice by Creed the other night. In a really cool tuning, too. It's in DADADD. I believe it's called Open D5?
  6. You're welcome! That video brought me to tears. Beautiful video and it made me think of my Zeus that passed away last January. Weird how the Newfoundland in that video was named Zeus and I had a Newfoundland named Zeus, too. Oh, man. Sorry for your loss. It's never easy. They're family. Prayers to you, too! Good looking dogs, by the way! I have 5 dogs right now. Two Newfoundlands, a Yellow Labrador Retriever, and two Boston Terriers. Here is a picture of my late Newfoundland, Zeus, with my male Boston Terrier, George, when George was still a puppy a few months before Zeus passed away. Zeus would've been 14 this month if he was still alive. Here is my 13 week old male Newfoundland puppy, Duke. Here is my female Newfoundland, Daisy. She is 1 and a half years old. Here is my Yellow Labrador Retriever, Jake. He'll be 7 years old in September. Here is my male Boston Terrier, George. He'll be 2 years old in September. And here is my female Boston Terrier, Nikki. She just turned 5 years old.
  7. Weird because I posted this earlier and it's not coming up on here for me. Anyway, I came across this video on YouTube last night that I thought was very beautiful and touching. I shed some tears. I had to share. I had a Newfoundland named Zeus, myself. He passed away last January a few months shy of being 13. Would've been 14 this month if he was still alive. For dog and animal lovers that know heartbreaking it is to loose a beloved pet!
  8. My pewter 2001 Gibson Les Paul Studio.
  9. Here's a couple more pictures of my 2001 heritage cherry sunburst Gibson Les Paul Standard:
  10. Here's my heritage cherry sunburst 2001 Gibson Les Paul Standard:
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