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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. 8 hours ago, zombywoof said:

    I used to have the habit of snapping up used cases when I ran across them on the cheap.  I figured I would eventually bring home some guitar which would fit in them.  At present my '32 L1 is residing in a case which once housed a  Dobro while my '42 Harmony H165 is in a 1960s Guild case, my '56 H40 in a TKL-made Martin case, and so on.  


    I was thinking, thinking, thinking......of all the guitars over the years, I think I only got a Gibson stencilled case on 2 - a new J45 in 2010 and the 2005 Dove I got at a pawn shop, and that Gibson case looks like it was run over by the delivery truck! The rest came in various schitty cases and bags that don’t fit, latest being my 2002 J50 from same pawn shop in a ripped plakky bag with Japanese tags everywhere???

    Every other guitar I have ever bought came in a (fairly) nice case! I went mad on Hiscox cases, but they are almost extinct at the moment with Covid sourcing problems. None for sale here, anywhere.

    And my 1952 LG2 from Ebay came in a bag with the zip broken! That is how it was delivered to my door, no box. Wow, it made it. That lives in an ill fitting local Maton case as well - lots of those for sale 10 years ago, not so squeezy now.

    Anyway, my 52 LG1 is behind rack with 5 guitars in cases on it  - second row back in a closet, and I have meaning to drag it out to see if it has all its bits......but I have to shuffle all those nice ones around.......hmmmm. 😬

    News report just in......Man found this morning survived the night in his basement after a row of guitars in cases collapsed on top of him while moving some around. His dog found him early morning and directed other family members to assist. When questioned, one replied that they though he was still returning from a gig......





    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, zombywoof said:

     At the time, Gibson did not provide cases with any guitar.   Unless the store was willing to throw one in to seal a deal you had to purchase them.  An early-1960s LG1 ran you less than $100.  A hardshell case would add just over or under $40 depending on whether you went with the plush or flannel lining.  If you think about it, today that would be comparable to buying a J45 Standard and then having to lay out over $1K for the case to go with it.  If any case was purchased it would more than likely have been a "Durabilt" cardboard case at around $12.  This would make a hardshell case a very hard sale and I imagine Gibson did not order a whole lot of them to supply to shops.    So, it is not surprising that today an original hardshell case for a Kalamazoo-built LG series guitar is a rare find.  


    In a weird sense of continuity, Gibson sold the Blues King  L-00s in yellow bags!

    Happy to go along with it at the time but it was a PITA getting a hard case to fit a L-00 here........when asking at a shop  I was told that most cases they get have guitars in them. Derrrr. And importing a guitar case to fit was charged by weight/size = lots!

    So it lived in a deep body local Maton case, bad fit, until recently when I acquired my 2 Waterloo WL-14s (L-00 size!) and 2 Hiscox cases to suit........then the Blues King got a nice budget Collings/Waterloo case and my old 37 L-0 scored the other Waterloo case - the L-0 came to me in a large Martin plakky case.

    P.S.  Moral of the story is...........





  3. On 6/10/2022 at 8:04 AM, BIRD909 said:

    I just bought this guitar today.   A brief search leads me to believe this is a 1965 Gibson L-1  serial #359814 don’t know a lot about  guitars and am wondering if my research is correct and if anyone has any additional information they would like to provide on this guitar.  It also appears to be missing the pick guard.   Does anyone know where I might get a correct replacement?  Should I even replace it?  I’m pretty excited to have found this guitar and would really appreciate any thoughts or information.  Thanks!









    Looking at your photos again, I think it looks great. (I have a junker 1952 LG1 - most LG1s didn’t get a case, I read).

    I would take it to an (very) experienced luthier/tech with Gibson acoustic knowledge and get it checked and a nice setup. Plakky bridge looks straight (the bad ones look all bent and buckled and out of shape), finish is really nice, leave the guard off, looks great!




  4. Yep, looks like the original plastic bridge from here as well!

    Get a Gibson knowing luthier to get it started for you and..whoosh, away you go!

    (My 52 LG1's wood bridge cracked in two a few years ago and I now have a fantastic ebony bridge...way denser).





  5. 21 minutes ago, zombywoof said:

    I used to go see Bookbinder up at the Town Crier Cafe back when he had "Fats" Kaplan on violin with him. 

    Gibson, of course, also sold re-badged Kalamazoos to stores other than Montgomery Wards.  I used to own a Capital which Gibson made for Jenkins Music.  When I looked up the FON in Spann's Guide I found it shared the same FON as a Recording King, Cromwell and others so obviously they were all part of the same batch.


    On the cover of his twin DVD lesson he has an old Gibson NL but on the video lessons he uses the Nick Lucas Special, an AJ and a Carson J. Robinson Model K (Recording King) etc.





  6. 13 hours ago, zombywoof said:

    For close to 20 years her one and only acoustic 6 string has remained that 1960 J200.  There is nothing else out there she has found she likes better.  How could you not love a woman like that


    Did you buy the guitar?

    This one  (Iris OG mahogany top) looks a lot like the 59 LG-0 (ladder braced) I used to have....sounds a little bit better.....😗:








  7. 6 hours ago, Jinder said:

    BK, I’m surprised that you didn’t get along with the MagMic! I really like mine, have had it for years and it’s been in my Dove for the last few. I find it really crisp and articulate. Not quite as sweet as my Sunrises, but very useful for gigs when I need something active that’s plug-n-play rather than requiring if a pre. 

    If you’re having a pickup clearout, it may be worth posting what you’ve got here on the forum in case anybody is in the market for them…probably more money to be recouped than pawning them and plenty of us are pickup enthusiasts who would be prepared to cover the postage too!


    Thanks Jinder..

    When I say pawn shop, I actually mean a local secondhand instrument shop that takes consignments only.

    Everything here costs over twice as much, so I will make a lot more selling to starved locals. I will also consign a couple of guitars, so one trip stop. (I have bought 5 acoustics there and know everyone). I will post the online link when I do it, but I doubt any overseas buyers will pay the local price.

    As an example of prices, here is a page of local prices for NEW pickups:





    P.S.  My Sunrise pickup is staying! That was really hard work finding and buying!


  8. 6 hours ago, Murph said:

    I'm an old shed digger from way back.

    Barns, too!


    I don’t actually have a shed, sorry Murph, it is a saying for having a childish tantrum and leaving your bike near the junk pile by the shed.

    But I do have a supposedly 2 car garage attached to my fairly modern 24 year old ‘project home’ in a housing tract type area, my block being adjacent to a wetland, river, and close to the beach......which I just came back from walking the dog on!

    And back on subject, I have a large shopping bag with all the pickups I have to take to the pawn shop.




  9. On 3/25/2022 at 3:56 AM, zombywoof said:

    I like the Iris headstocks.  Reminds me of those adorning Edgmond, Marwin, Old Kraftsman and other offerings during the 1930s.  I prefer the Iris headstocks to the Gibson open book headstocks with the upswept "pointy" ends.  

    Anyway, I was talking to my wife a bit about this DE Model.  "Then go buy yourself one" says she.


    Have a look at the trailer on Youtube for the movie Hard Luck Love Song and tell what is guitar is, please ZW.

    Round about 1.13:







  10. Love John Butler!

    The mic part of the MagMic will feedback with any overdrive, even if the amp is too loud on clean...that is what mics do.

    Do you want the Butler type sound for gigs or for playing at home? He has a quite complicated system depending on the year, with various Maton guitars, undersaddle pickup, soundhole pickup, amp, line to PA etc.

    Have you seen John Butler’s video of acoustic version of Ocean? Wow!






    I have the Mini version....

    I am a 100% fingerpicker and this system suits that well, but if you are a strummer, save your money and buy a Baggs M1 soundhole pickup....





  12. 27 minutes ago, egoidealmusic said:

    Haha well, I guess that tells us what you thought of it in the long run! 🙂



    Concluded that I don’t like soundhole pickups really and don’t like batteries in the guitar...and installing this pickup permanently involves both.

    The Trinity is passive and runs to a black box with battery in it, outside the guitar....easy to change the battery in that! No mid song string loosen hand in there battery change thingo.






    Sorry, that post was 3 years ago.....

    Pickup is lying on its side out near the shed, couldn’t get it to do what I wanted, and recording deleted.

    Guitar now has a Trinity pickup (K&K with internal mic).





  14. 29 minutes ago, Parafin said:

    There's something don't know how you call it, something like customs fee when you purchase the item outside European Union, and you item gets stuck at customs, and you pay **** load of money to get it. If Im wrong, may be someone has other experience.


    A fair slice of the new L-00 price would be tax/Customs/travel plus 20% probably for the shop....?

    See if you find a used L-00 closer to you.





  15. 22 hours ago, Parafin said:

    Hello people, I need an advice. Im thinking of buying L-00 standard new from a shop in Europe. I really like the looks, sound, and everything about it. My question is, is it worth 2800$ or 2400 Euros in Europe? My friends always advise me to buy Martin or similiar because they think Gibson has very "closed" and unpronounce sound, the problem is Martin in Europe is way more expensive than in USA, but Gibson has fair prices in Europe compare to USA. Also Im singer songwriter, and I mostly play fingerpicking, I intend to use the guitar to acompany my vocals. Is the l-00 only for blues and nothing else? Thanks for any advice.


    Any reason you want to buy new?

    I don’t think you get much warranty outside the US - maybe check on that.

    See if you can buy a used 2001 - 2005 L-00 from Reverb.com and get it Fedexed!




  16. On 5/19/2022 at 12:05 AM, zombywoof said:

    Bwahaha.  Yes, I can build the perfect J45.  As a start I say in terms of sound best to just leave my '42 J50 alone as I would not change a blessed thing which has anything to do with its tone.  So, with that not being up for discussion, for me it comes down to feel.  My thing though is the specs I would go with in terms of creating the perfect for me guitar are those which as far as  know have never graced any J45 to have rolled out of Kalamazoo, Nashville or Bozeman but can be found on other models.   So if I were to come up with the perfect J45 I would scream out to the heavens to give me the 2 3/8" string spacing at the bridge my L1 has.  And even though the fat round shoulder C neck on my J50 is a slice of heaven there is always room for a bit of improvement.  So I would go with my all-time favorite Gibson neck which is that on my L3 .  While giving up nothing to the J50 in terms of thickness, it combines a 1 3/16" nut with a soft V carve.  I would then top the whole thing off by again turning to the L3 and go with a hand rubbed shellac spirit varnish finish.


    I prefer L-00 size guitars usually and J45 territory is covered by my 2002 pawn shop Gibson J50 as is - someone had a go at relic'ing it, possible had a pass through the pizza oven to bake it a bit, soaked the nut and saddle in tea leaves to brown them but forgot to set them up (awful) so they were ditched for new high density bone bits when it got setup by my luthier........but the fake bake  worked I think - it has tone, tone, tone and the only change I am considering is to go back to 12s instead of the 13s....

    ZW - the Waterloo WL-KJ Deluxe is a jumbo with the Waterloo V neck plus 1 3/4" nut and the big 2 3/8" bridge spacing and a deep 5" body, and you can order one 'aged' - I would love to give one a belt - love my Waterloo spacing and V necks! They don't sell many though and there is one sitting in a lot of shops confusing the L-00 lovers!






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