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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. A few of my guitars sound like their smells:

    1944 Martin 0-17 - smoky bacon on wholemeal toast.

    8 month old Martin OMC-15ME - peanut butter on wholemeal toast.

    1959 Gibson LG3 (Old Stinky) - well, a dirty bone the dog dug up and left on my pillow as a sign of ...love?

    1937 Gibson L-00 - (Old Splinters) - something from my freezer on a crispbread before I noticed the freezer had croaked.

    1935 Gibson L50 Black Special - old cupboard where the beef jerky was stored?

    6 month old Maton all Aust Blackwood EBW808 - salted cashews...






    I have had the Folkways site bookmarked for years - they have really good photos and description of the For Sale stuff. If I was reading about...X..., I would look up the old listings at Folkways to see if they have anything.

    Watched a lot of the videos too. It would be nice if he had fingerpicked the 33 a bit, instead of the plectrum.

    I wonder what Mark could think of my 37? Ha Ha....


    Click here to see a large version





  3. 9 hours ago, zombywoof said:

    One of the reasons the early-1930s L guitars have achieved their legendary status is the weight.  My 1932 L1 clocks in at around 2 3/4 pounds.  It is so lightly built you half expect it to float out of the case when opened.  The Kel Kroyden without a truss rod could weigh as little as 2 1/2 pounds.   I do have to give Collings a nod here.  Their take on the Kel Kroyden which differs from the originals in that it does have a truss rod is still so lightly built they come with a warning not to string with anything heavier than 11-52 strings.  To build a guitar that light in this day and age takes some serious chutzpah.


    Compare the Waterloo/KK to my National Resophonics I played today at lunchtime - Tricone weighs in on their spec sheet at 8lbs 14oz (though it feels like about 20!) and my single cone M14 weighs in at about 5lbs 12 ozs.........plus National cases!

    Yep, if we have to walk or hitchhike or hobo it, we will take Waterloo in its lightweight Hiscox case!






    Hard one and lots of times, there is no time!

    But there are a few of mine that would be irreplaceable these days, so...don't know, but my Cargill custom 00 hand made to my specs is high on the list, vintage Gibsons and a Martin, old Lowdens etc, etc.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    But it could be an opportunity to....go shopping and start again, depending what we can squeeze out of the insurance co.😁





  5. 8 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I’ve never seen one except for the 3 times I saw Richard Thompson play one live. I would love to try one out.


    Whether you would like playing one or not, everyone is different and the Lowdens are still pieces of wood once they leave their bench, but Lowden are known for impeccable worksmanship and quality control, stunning.......nothing, nothing leaves there without being perfect!

    Finish is hand rubbed many, many times. Lots of sanding!

    Here is my 2015 approx Lowden O22 - believe it or not there are 2 pieces of wood on the back and front! Beautifully made! The O22 is a standard model.


    Click here to see a large version

    Click here to see a large version







  6. 4 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Are Gibson's less expensive there? 

    So looks like both only care if you bought it in the States. Wonder what Maton's warrenty is for the USA?


    Gibsons are over double the full US retail price here.


    Maton probably stick it to you, as well! I did read their warranty blurb online, just then! I will never get that part of my life back.......legal.......


    I am about to play my Lowdens for a while - they have wood bindings and probably the very best workmanship, but as the song goes...’Everything put together falls apart’ (Simon).

    Glue is the problem!







    Loose binding, shrinking binding (different issue) and other brands with bits that wobble........I put it down to general bad Yankee workmanship!🤒

    The Martin binding problems are around 2015......glue didn’t like the binding.

    I have loose binding on one Martin and shrinking  binding on others of approx the time frame above.

    In Australia, we only get warranty for a few months after purchase...after that, we are on our own....Sheesh, lets buy more stuff like that, eh? (And they cost twice as much here!)

    We are told online that it is a cheap and simple fix.

    I like the old Martin 17 series and the new 15 series - no binding!!!

    So far, nothing has shrunk or fallen off my locally made Matons.






    To compare pickups with the Anthem above, I recorded a similar type of blues playing my Maton EBW808 all Blackwood guitar (still breaking the guitar hardwood top in!), using the famous Maton pickup system AP5-pro plugged direct to my mixer/record.





    Click here to see a large version




    Here is the official blurb for the anthem pickup:

    "LR Baggs
    The Award-winning Anthem series, featuring patented TRU•MIC technology, seamlessly combines a proprietary condenser microphone with LR Baggs' acclaimed Element pickup to deliver the warmth and fidelity of a studio-mic’d guitar anywhere you perform."
    I suppose?
    Anyhow, it sounds better while I am playing/recording it...simply because I don't record loud...and thus I think I can hear.....the guitar acoustically as well! Tricked again.
    (The pickup came with the guitar from the pawn shop - they are quite expensive installed here and the guy at the shop obviously didn't know what it was. He just said it had a pickup!)
    I guess that is what it really is - a pickup......Baggs may fib a little about the ‘studio mic’d guitar’ biz.....
  10. 51 minutes ago, jedzep said:

    Yeah.  Thanks.  I will look at KS.  I did recognize the kicked up levels DH teaches.  Once in a while a riff starts sinking in, and if I drop my old ways, I might be able to land the plane on the runway.

    It'll be a long winter process, but that little guitar should make it more fun.


    In all of it, the seemingly easiest bit is the hardest! (Thumb! the rest is just blues notes around the.....repeat thumb.).


    KS uses mainly thumb and only index. DH uses everything including toes, I think. And DH plays his fabulous old Martin, while KS plays his fabulous old Martin too ....





  11. 3 hours ago, jedzep said:

    Awesome, funky mood you put out, here.  The definition of dry tone.  Those must be the 5 yr old strings you were mentioning earlier.

    I can't aspire to get it down like you have, but I'm queuing up D. Hamburger vids, and others to break my bad f'picking habits for my 'dark of winter' project.  My practice toy should be here on Fri.

    Thanks for all the great samples!  Holiday hater here, so please, no Xmas stuff.  When I heard a Billy Gibbons holiday song I almost shot my speakers.



    Thanks JZ!


    Baby Reso? Cool! I had better drag out a reso tomorrow. Only complaint - mine are very heavy. Mini reso might be the go. Hmm, forget I said that!


    The main riff above is derived from Hamburger riffs! His stuff takes years to get - if you need more basic, maybe try Kenny Sultan, very similar ideas.





  12. Baseball Hall of fame country, aren't you? (saw it on TV - House Hunters or something).

    After reading that review above, a new Waterloo archtop is getting to be...URGENT! 😆

    $6999 Aus Dollars here! One in Sydney, 546 miles and 9 hours 10 mins away, we are told....

    Win some Lotto and I will have the black one AND the burst one and I believe there is an all maple natural one!


    ..................................back to my 35!





  13. Thanks JZ!

    I was just posting some pics as you posted.....

    The old girl had a nice setup just after I bought it 7 or 8 years ago and it is still really nice to play - it was horrible when I got it! It has the same big V neck as my Waterloos! Bill must have copied my guitar's neck.....

    Take a 1935 to the Blues Night at the Bowls Club? It would look and sound cool (it has a 'pickup in a floating bridge he installed), but  it won't happen. But look at these new suckers from Waterloo! They even have a tuxedo model but the burst would be nice...









    Thanks very much for the replies!

    The other day I was playing and thought I had better press record...........and the trusty old computer linked to my mixer wouldn't start. Oh no..new starter motor needed? I am so use to just pressing go, then hit record on Garageband that I was surprised. Gave up, look at it another time, when I don't have a guitar in hand.......

    Tried everything later, no go. Pushed the power plug in and out of the back of the computer a few times and there it is....working! Phew.

    So I have recorded a few tracks this week...just because I CAN!!!!!

    First was an eight bar blues on my Martin D18:



    Then I played my version of the trad blues "Corrina" on my X braced Waterloo WL-14X:







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