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Posts posted by BluesKing777

  1. A quick look back at my photos will show my bridge is a nice piece of Gabon Ebony........quite a few years ago, I opened the guitar case and LG1’s Rosewood bridge was split in half! I think it gives a slightly denser tone.

    It also has some nice Ebony pins!

    It could also do with a new set of frets, but you know....we don’t want to turn it into a spoiled princess....😆





  2. 40 minutes ago, Murph said:

    Bet you're happy she's home!


    Yes, very happy thanks Murph!

    A few steps forward and a few steps back - I opened a box and got a big paper cut on my thumb, bit sore but it won’t stop me playing! Much.... Maybe a bit. Ouch, right where it touches the strings.

    Next mission, win Lotto, then buy some mint condition old ladder braced units! Gibson, Kalamazoo, Stella? Don’t want any (more) rattlers.





  3. 9 hours ago, rbpicker said:

    I came across a 64 model the other day.  It had the plastic bridge.  Played great, sounded great, and was in very good condition.. the shop wanted 1400 for it with the chipboard case.  Is that a decent price?


    thanks,   roger

    I couldn't really say without playing it, seeing it.....not sure of the plastic bridges, most buckled and gone!

    What was the nut dimension? I think the necks got skinnier and skinnier as the 60s went along, some 1 5/8"! Aaah.....

    Personally, I would look for an early 50s LG1 like mine...nice chunky neck, perhaps a slightly better build in the early 50s?

    P.S. Look at this 1950 from Retrofret! Looks almost new!







  4. Tough but someone has to do it! 😆

    Going to the luthier’s Elves workshop to pick up a repair is an experience....some excitement, some nervy hand wringing, patience etc, etc.

    He was removing a bit of the gold speckle from the Gibson logo and I was playing his latest custom 00 build....phew, dangerous....very old Adi over very figured Rosewood, plain papery top with herringbone trim, sensational.......and another guy waiting asked me for guitar lessons! And then a test play of my LG1 with new strings wanting to stretch......played it too hard and sounded.....not much, well, awful really.......quick retune and played slower.....AHA! There it is.....




  5. 1952 Gibson LG1 back from luthier - big crack repaired, braces reglued, logo cleaned up (previous owner gold speckled it for some reason), setup etc.

    Not for everyone, but I love the ladder braced sound! Like having a new guitar...almost.....😃

    Photo now:









    Photo before with crack:








  6. 55 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

    The one that got away - I had a pair of black Levis  Mrs.40 made me donate to Salvation Army.  They were indestructible, comfortable  -bought them 30 years ago... Closest thing I can find now are the standard Wranglers.  Double the weight of the the Levis they make now, in Mexico I believe.   I read somewhere to wash jeans less frequently and turn them inside out - to improve comfort and wear. 


    There was probably a massive fight over those old black jeans at the Salvos! (People kicking guitars over to get them jeans! 🙂

    Were the first Levis jeans made from hemp and cotton? How did they make them so thick?





  7. Sorry Joe M for the hijack, again but it is too much to watch....jeans....

    The last refuge for real jeans here was by the people that made the full leather boots I use to klopp around in when playing in bands - they had reg fit 15 oz denim indigo shade (absolutely non faded or stone washed or stretched)  jeans similar to the early 60s? Levis. Also had same jeans in dark black.

    Ages back, I bought one pair of each AND one of their raincoats - could be accused of looking like a stockman in....town.....😁

    Only, only gripe with all of it - all very heavy! The national Steel of the jeans and coat world! (Had to buy some suspenders to keep them up, belts not enough!) But they still look ....new! Will outlive the Apocalypse and Keef!

    I just googled their latest prices - phew - $599 for the boots, $249 for the jeans and $499 for the raincoat!






    I was probably fine with the fade finish until I found out it was cheaper! Do we want another short cut?

    Stepping back, I liked the matt finish on Waterloos and certain Martin series around 2014 - 2015.....you know, claims of them sounding better with scanty matt finish, but 7 or 8 years down the track they have those ‘contact marks’ where you hold the guitar and no way of getting rid of them. Surely a different finish formula could make that sort of thing...not happen? Well, an older generation would have shot a new gloss over it all......or buff it all to a gloss.

    Of course, there is matt finish and there is Matt Finish........I was sitting behind a new SUV, think it was Porcshe, and it was a matt charcoal  that was just..stunning. It looked like it was alive, a panther or something. And it was thick finish, maybe. And certainly not a short cut.



  9. 35 minutes ago, slimt said:

    Its another way to avoid a warranty claim. Mess the finish up before it gets sold.  😃

    then there will be a cracked top version. Cleated ready to go.  


    Great idea, cracked tops! Just like real ones! Better send the idea to the marketing dept!

    Actually, the Faded Series might  needs more juice to sell.....relic jobs stage one, two, three, liven the plain old (boring?) Faded Bird up a bit!

    Over the years on various forums, we saw the pure horror of any guitar getting scratched, then one of the Grand Poobahs of the forum bought an Aged Martin Dread and then, they all bought one and rave about them!

    So far, no scratchy Gibsons acoustics! (Can’t be far off, eh?). No scratchy Matons here either, made just like they did in .......1970. There must be PR Marketing meetings going on everywhere - the new satin printed relic Martin StreetMasters scratchy is going off!





    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, zombywoof said:

    Not a fan of that particular finish option.  Then again, I do not even care for a Satin finish.  I still prefer a gloss finish but applied so I can see the grain through the blackest black of a burst.  Might be though that I have enough guitars which through the years have lost their sheen but which I would love to have seen when they were bright and shiny.


    I have been bleating everywhere how I want triple gloss now........😁

    Probably a bit bored with satin and ‘no finish left’ guitars......I also wonder what they will look like in 20. They will need more paint! Look at some old guitars and you could be forgiven for thinking they need a few shots of thick ole gloss nitro......but there goes the ‘vintage mojo’ value....

    So everyone buys a new one that has been ‘thin finished’ and scratched and everything done to it that you have avoided your whole life with your guitars...... silly world, eh?




    • Like 1
  11. The PR claims no difference except the matt finish to the gloss models, and the saving is made by not having to do all the extra steps involved in a gloss finish. Acoustic Letter had some Youtube videos of the faded models.

    No sign of LG or L-00 faded models as yet. Probably less for me to worry about. 😁




  12. 1 hour ago, Murph said:

    BK777 is a great slide player.

    I need to get one of those Diamond slides, BK.

    I want a Blue one. 


    Thanks Murph.....

    Err, you can get blue bottlenecks from them but not like mine.....they obviously make them out of wine bottle necks and mine was from a couple of blue Italian Murano Glass wine bottles they came across, none left.....lucky I bought a spare as soon as I played my first one!

    Next best was one a friend fell on love with and I said to have it.....fool me....it was a clear glass soda bottle Redhouse model from DB......had lots of grit in it and great for extracting extra slide tone.....





    I got the rezo bug around the mid 1980s.......learned slide on electric guitars previously and one thing leads to another and......a 1939 Dobro (no photo sorry - before photography was invented!), which smelled amazing but had an awful bow in the neck and as I made tentative steps to....gasp......fingerpicking AND slide, it became obvious that to move forward a better neck was needed. I persisted and was soon playing blues slide and fingerpicking as a mini set in the electric blues bands I played in. It went over very well, but I had trouble hearing me in the clappy monitors, so bought an acoustic electric with the works for live playing, tuned it to Open G, played my mini slide set a few times, could hear myself beautifully and it was easy to play all around but..........rezo magic gone.........

    There was a guitar shop with used guitars as well as new and looking up, I said: “What Dat?” The soon to be mine full metal body 1976 Dobro! Which got played all over the place, sounded sensational but......was so heavy to lug.



    Since I have assumed ownership of the golden needles, Nationals!!!

    1935 National Trojan wood body.



    2012 ??? National M14 wood body. Bought new.



    2012 ??? National Tricone steel. Bought new. The heaviest of the heavy!


    Plus pickup-age, gadgetry to suit and importantly, my collection of the wonderful Diamond Bottlenecks slides!

    Glass ones are various Diamond Bottlenecks!





    • Thanks 1

    Good news is I can reply on this forum again, thanks to the Gibson boffins for fixing the bug!

    Still waiting for my luthier to repair my 1952 LG1, said a week but it is now about 3 months! He has been extremely busy. Luckily I have a few spare guitars!😃

    Now on the issue of travel cases mentioned earlier, the only ones for me are Hiscox cases, late reply I know but I have had forum tech difficulties! Their ‘small classical case’ should hold the LG1. Look up Hiscox Cases website, look up ‘small classical’ and check the specs against the size of your guitar. Hiscox and your guitar will survive Armaggeddon, not sure of giving it to baggage handlers...





  15. I am happy with my Hiscox cases, but they only come in black or ivory!

    If you go to the customiser for other cases on the Calton website linked above , you can pick all kinds of things...eg> bright red splatter finish with yellow interior! You could see that being stolen! Except at the airport.....🤔




  16. 13 hours ago, Janglemore said:

    Hello BK3x7,

    The forum works fine for me on my iPad. I’m not a tech wiz but here are some suggestions in escalating order…..

    1) log out of the forum and then log back in

    2) turn off your iPad, let rest w power off for a few minutes and then reboot

    3) update iOS - 16.4.1 is most current (I’m still running 15.6 and I’m having no problems)

    4) delete cookies in Safari - Gibson website will forget you and you’ll need to re-establish yourself on forum  (Settings > Safari > Advanced > Website Data - then put “Gibson’ in search bar to find Gibson cookie(s) - tap/hold cookie entry and swipe left - reveals delete option) 




    Did all that before I notified anyone - the key is that everything else on the iPad works except replying on the Gibson Acoustic Forum.

    AGF reply works, UMGF reply works...etc

    P.S. checked my messages - no message about being banned for ever or anything! (though you probably can't check your messages if you are banned forever?).

    AND....I just posted a new thread OK! Weird - can't reply.

    BluesKing777......on his P.C. again, not iPad 😂




  17. 18 hours ago, ksdaddy said:

    Sorry, I’m not good at fixing computers. 

    Well, it is not the computer device - I have no problems on the Martin Forum and the AGF or anything else I usually do with Ipad -  it could be something the Gibson Forum techs have done to the Acoustic Forum or Gibson online recently, so could you pass that along to the respective boffin/tech please.

    I can read the forum but not reply to anything  - I was logged in on my iPad as I have for many years - now I had to log in a microsoft software PC to replay again- (the reply bar is there shrunken to one lide wide that doesn't open).


    Thanks, BluesKing777.



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