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Posts posted by Murph

  1. 4 minutes ago, badbluesplayer said:

    There's a pawn shop two doors down from Campbell's music called Albert's Pawn and it has a small guitar shop called Strings.  Check it out.  They have some oddball guitars and stuff and some cool amps.  I just fixed the grillcloth on a speaker cabinet for them.


    Love those oddball shops !

  2. I bought my J-15 about the same time as a friend/gigging partner bought a Martin GPC  type cutaway. I think they were about the same money. We had a duo doing small coffee house/clubs original music, Americana stuff.

    I bought the J-15 because it was the same size and scale as my J-45 so everything was in it's place, and I wasn't banging up the J-45. Fell in love with it. I don't consider it an "entry level" at all, more of a "working level" guitar. Unsigned musicians don't make much money these days in proportion, and busking with a $ 3,000.00 guitar will get you knocked in the head.

    His thinner, cutaway Martin doesn't hold a candle to the J-15 in tone, projection, or class.

    It's like I said in another thread, Gibson has to make payroll, keep the lights on, and keep the tree huggers off their back and walnut fits the bill perfectly. And, there is a far smaller percentage of kids having interest in guitar, so the market is shrinking. That might be about to turn around though, thanks to Billy Strings and Molly Tuttle and Co.

  3. A man is driving down the road and his car breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, "My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?" The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, even fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound. A sound unlike anything he's ever heard before. The Sirens that nearly seduced Odysseus into crashing his ship comes to his mind. He doesn't sleep that night. He tosses and turns trying to figure out what could possibly be making such a seductive sound. The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, "We can't tell you. You're not a monk." Distraught, the man is forced to leave. Years later, after never being able to forget that sound, the man goes back to the monastery and pleads for the answer again. The monks reply, "We can't tell you. You're not a monk." The man says, "If the only way I can find out what is making that beautiful sound is to become a monk, then please, make me a monk." The monks reply, "You must travel the earth and tell us how many blades of grass there are and the exact number of grains of sand. When you find these answers, you will have become a monk." The man sets about his task. After years of searching he returns as a gray- haired old man and knocks on the door of the monastery. A monk answers. He is taken before a gathering of all the monks. "In my quest to find what makes that beautiful sound, I traveled the earth and have found what you asked for: By design, the world is in a state of perpetual change. Only God knows what you ask. All a man can know is himself, and only then if he is honest and reflective and willing to strip away self deception." The monks reply, "Congratulations. You have become a monk. We shall now show you the way to the mystery of the sacred sound." The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the head monk says, "The sound is beyond that door." The monks give him the key, and he opens the door. Behind the wooden door is another door made of stone. The man is given the key to the stone door and he opens it, only to find a door made of ruby. And so it went that he needed keys to doors of emerald, pearl and diamond. Finally, they come to a door made of solid gold. The sound has become very clear and definite. The monks say, "This is the last key to the last door." The man is apprehensive to no end. His life's wish is behind that door! With trembling hands, he unlocks the door, turns the knob, and slowly pushes the door open. Falling to his knees, he is utterly amazed to discover the source of that haunting and seductive sound. But, of course, I can't tell you what it is because you're not a monk...……..

    • Haha 1
  4. An RVer in a motorhome got hopelessly bogged down in an unexpected muddy hole along a dirt road. After a few minutes, a passing farmer drove by on his tractor and offered to pull him out for a mere $20.

    After the motorhome was back on dry ground, the RVer said to the farmer, “At only $20, I bet you’re pulling vehicles out of this mud day and night.”

    “Can’t,” replied the farmer. “At night I haul water for the hole.”

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  5. An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again. The boy asked, "What is this, Father?"

    The father (never having seen an elevator) responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don't know what it is."

    While the boy and his father were watching with amazement, a rather heavy, not too attractive, older lady walked up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened and the lady walked between them into a small room.

    The walls closed and the boy and his father watched the small circular numbers above the walls light up sequentially. They continued to watch until it reached the last number and then the numbers began to light in the reverse order.

    Finally the walls opened up again and a beautiful, young woman stepped out. The father, said quietly to his son, "Go get your Mother".

    • Haha 3
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