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Posts posted by Murph

  1. 21 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

    Listening to all kinds of music is IMO an important part of being a musician. I listen to everything from 3 chord blues to symphonies to non-Western music, to Latin American, to Afro Cuban, to European, to Tuvan throat singing, and anything else that comes my way. I wouldn't make a steady diet of some of it, but I analyze it and do my best to understand it. All that helps my rock/blues/jazz/country playing, which helps me make a living doing music and nothing but music.

    A library or even YouTube is a good way to expose yourself to different genres.


    I agree. The old free-form underground radio was educational for me, and we had a legendary underground station in Mesa/Phoenix in the early/mid 70's. Knowledgeable staff certainly helps.

    I'm impressed with some of the internet radio stations we have now. Here's a few.




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  2. 35 years ago the local library in Louisiana had albums you could check out. I used to check some out and record deep track stuff from Joni Mitchell, Harry Nilsson, and such.

    I thought about that the other day and wondered if any of those Vintage albums are laying around your local library. They probably wouldn't be in great shape, but then again, you never know.

    And would they sell them off from time to time?


  3. I quit smoking in Feb.2008. So it'll be 12 years in Feb. 2020.

    All of this gear except the Bose stuff played smoking bars for nearly 2 decades. Those Peavey SP-2's were bought in 1993. And they are carpeted, and so is the Carvin bass amp. They have "aired out" over the last 12 years and don't smell like tobacco. I must admit all of this stuff has done outdoor gigs since the bar years.

    I can smell a cigarette a mile away, but none of my gear smells like it after a decade.



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  4. 20 minutes ago, kidblast said:

    I would have never thought you'd suggest that,, yep  came right out a the blue..



    Yea, I'm getting predictable. Hell, I swapped my ES-339 for my J-15.

    With the mandolin, resonator and other acoustics I simply never play the electrics anymore. I'm gonna sell the Boogie and buy an ETL mic and a round neck......

    • Like 1
  5. I'd just buy a new mic and carry on.

    However my recordings are mostly for my own enjoyment and to create a database / collection of my original music. I tend to not get too involved in the recording process itself. And it shows in my recordings. Some of the members here are MASTERS of the Mixer and get some incredible home recordings. I hope to get better at that when I retire and can spend more time with it.

  6. Some of us have been here for well over a decade. Before Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, heck when the iPhone was just coming out.

    Through good and bad, some have passed on, some could have not been born yet. some are perhaps in prison or insane asylums, or at least probably should be....

    Keep doin what you do. When music gets in your blood, you can't stop anyhow, so enjoy it.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, kidblast said:


    had a lot of peavey PA gear too in the day.  Back then most of it was pretty cheap and some of it nearly indestructible. 


    Yep. Cheap, tough and Made In U.S.A.

    Now it's just cheap.

    What about Holland amps? I had one for a minute. Mike was in the Navy with a friend of mine.

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