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Posts posted by jaxson50

  1. I saw the Chambers Brothers in concert in 1971,  They were very good,  you could hear their gospel roots  , They were known as a one hit wonder, they will always be thought of as a physidellic rock band but they were so much more. 

    RIP  George. 

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  2. I borrow from Winston Churchill when I say,  Abbey Road was the best Beatles album accept for all the other Beatle albums.   

    It was and remains the cherry on top of the finest dessert.  Can we separate one Beatles work from another? I know we do,  but it is like taking one piece of a puzzle away from the others. 

    There was a progression of creativity from the Fab Four,  culminating in Abbey Road,  as if all the previous work lead to that crescendo.   The weakest recording they ever made would have been a triumph for anyone else.  

    What I'd like to know is how much unreleased  work is still lying in the vaults?  Undoubtedly there are hours and hours of work they decided not to use, whole songs that were recorded and not released...If only

  3. I was lucky enough to see him when Blindfaith did their only US tour,  he played with such energy.  Though he will be remembered as a rock and roll drummer,  he was an established jazz artist as well.

    If you read Eric Clapton's autobiography,  "Eric"  you will see that besides being the energetic backbone to the first Rock Power Trio,   it was Ginger who Eric credits for intervening and saving him from heroin and alcohol fueled self destruction along with Jack Bruce, the two actually went to Clapton's Hurtwood estate, pounded on the door until Eric let them in,  they stayed there until he dried up.  So his contribution to music went far beyond that of a drummer. 

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  4. My uncle EJ was a chef in the Navy for 33 years, I asked him how they prevented weevils from getting into the flour while at sea, he said they just added carroway seeds and nobody knew the difference.  

  5. Growing up in a Navy family,  beans were a regular go to ,  SOS every Wednesday night.  My dad was a CPO,   WWII and Korean war vet. Tin cans,  CVEs  and YBTs 

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