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Posts posted by jaxson50

  1. A bunch of petty crap if you ask me,  once the lawyers and bean counters weasel up your butt,  and egos go unchecked.

    But OTOH, it makes me appreciate the Stones ability to carry on as long as they have and still manage to put aside personality conflicts and personal conflicts and still produce music.

    (I hated the disco era stones) but now they  are rolling,  pun intended,  back to their roots , blues and rock.

  2. As you folks know I like to find new artist and share them here with you,  lately I've been into alt country corny stuff,  I shared a few videos of Paul Thorn who is an incredibly talented writer performer, very witty, but he has a daughter who did her first performance on stage with Paul at the age of 14, , this was 12 years ago, I want to post one vid from her first stage show then, and one more recently, to see the progression,  

    Vid 1, age 14


    Vid two from 5 yeas ago


  3. There is little I can add following the previous accolades,  he is established as an icon in a music form of rock he envisioned,  arranged ,  and he did it well,  that's as best as it gets in life, he was ready to go to the next plane.

    God Bless you Neil , we'll meet in the next one, don't be late...

  4. 11 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Beautiful stated. But no one cares what these rich do or say as long as it doesn't interfere with a forum members ability to buy another J-45. That is when the pitchforks and burning stakes will come out.

    Don't temp me, my wife is so happy that I haven't bought any guitars this year!

  5. I never watch awards shows,  I did watch his monologue afterwards,  I thought it was brilliant to get in these overpaid pampered holier than thou know it alls who get to live with unbelievable privileges, riches beyond belief for doing nothing but pretending to be someone on stage or screen.  

    I'm sick and tired of of these hollywierd brats lecturing us on values. Let's try going one year without any movies and at the same time no plumbers,  or truck drivers or cops, then see who really matters!

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