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Posts posted by jaxson50

  1. An American genius,  and what story, grew up on the prairie,  his father an Indian agent,  Moon DOG was blind, an Indian  chief taught him drums, and Indian myths,  he went away to school,  learned to write music, by Braille.  With no instrument in his had, he envisions the sounds in color and he writes each peace in Braille as he sees it and hears in  his mind/vision 

    He has left this planet now,but he'll be back,  He used to sell his works on the streets for penny's,  till some big names played it and wanted more,

    The giant blind man dressed up in Viking garb, playing an homemade percussion instrument some mesmerized the club's of NY, Charlie Byrd and others wanted to know more,..

    His wisdom centered us


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  2. My job is still considered essential,  I work for the state as security supervisor,  the governor sent everyone else home,  but as long as the USPS  delivers mail the building has to be open.  

    The doors are still unlocked from 8 to 5, so now we have to chase off homeless people who would like to move in, or use the facilities.  

    It's a 300k sq ft building, and there are four other state office complexes on the same campus,   we have been given gloves, but all masks were sent to hospitals,  I am armed and not opposed to using force if and when people start going into looting mode,  

    I give them one more month, then the wolf's  amongst us will start looting and pillaging.  

    You are either a sheep, a wolf, or a sheep dog in this life, everything else is just a past time.  Be prepared 

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  3. I guess you could say it was a combination of a childhood prodigy meeting opportunity.   He was a regular on a local Little Rock radio and TV show playing at the age of 8 or so,  his was recorded at age 13,  about the time he met Elvis,  he became a playing partner with Glen Campbell even before Glen went to California,  Glen encourage him to move there after Glen had found work in LA. 

    After he arrived, Glen introduced him to musicians and record producer's,  this would have been the mid 60s,  so just as Glen's career as a performing artist took off, Louie was able to step into the studio , 

    His play list speaks for itself.  

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