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Posts posted by jaxson50

  1. A preacher sees an advertisement for a religious horse so he goes to see about buying it.

    The seller says " get on the horse, when you want to go just say " Praise God " and he will start walking, if you want to go faster just say "praise God " and he will speed up ", when you want to stop say " Halaluea "

    So the preacher get in the saddle and says "praise God " the horse stats walking,  again he says "Praise God " be starts trotting,  "Praise God " the horse starts running.  Now the preacher loves fast horse's s o he yells "PRAISE GOD " 

    Now the horse is in an all out dash  the preacher has never ridden a horse this fast,  when suddenly he sees that there is a cliff coming up fast, he says " Halaluea." But the horse keeps running,  again he shouts halaluea,  but the horse doesn't hear him, finally he leans forward and yells "HALALUEA " as loud as he can and horse stops right at the edge of the cliff with only inches to spare.

    The preacher takes a deep breath as he looks over the cliff, and says 

    " Praise God" 

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  2. Has anyone else watched the Netflix rockumentory?  

    What a great couple of hours, if your in need of something to cheer you up waiting for the happy reaper to drop by, give it a watch.  Really brings back memories,  one funny story, they are booked to play one of the first gigs. They go to a club get all set up, the currents go up, there's one man in the audience,  and he gets up to leave. They beg him to stay, they do their entire show, buy him drinks thanks him for hanging out,  then they do a encore! 

    The same guy comes to most of their show still, and they never asked him his name..

    Only in rock n roll 

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