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Posts posted by jaxson50

  1.  2 qq

    9 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Are we gonna get a Let It Be 50th this year? Pepper, The White Album and Abbey Road were all excellent IMHO. Mystery Tour was skipped over and I dig about half that album. 2 song were recorded even before the previous album. That was down right lazy.

    I would hope we get a 50th. The Magical Mystery Tour is overlooked and underappreciated today, but it was we'll received when it came out,  admittedly they were tripping pretty hard, but so were we,  😉

    There were some good tracks on it.   One thing for sure,  after they stopped touring and went all in on studio work they unleashed unshackeled creativity.  Before they were primarily entertainers,  we forgot that mostly,  they had a grinding road schedule and still managed to produce hits,  yuk it up on tv shows. Etc.  

    Revolver,  Rubber Soul, The White Album,  really established them as some much more  and we saw how other bands reacted to it.  So they changed the music scene twice really, 

  2. The Beatles , according to Paul's book, Many Years From Now,  had a process for material development.  

    If a member had a song or idea for one, they would perform it before the others, then together they would decide if the band would decide if it was worthy material,  , then they would start working arrangements.  Those "jam sessions  " would be recorded,  edited, reviewed,  and rewritten,  until they were happy with the product.  At least that's how they started out,  we can hear it at work here in Harrison's All Things  Must Pass, which didn't make it into a Beatles record,  but was later on his solo release. We can also hear bits of songs from members that eventually underwent the Lennon McCartney treatment of those two mating two ideas into one song.  Paul said in one of these debuts of ideas, John preformed A Day in the Life by himself on a acoustic guitar and  everyone present was awestruck.  They considered recording it that way, but we know how well it was done in the end.

    How many ideas lead to songs they recorded and then decided not to release? 


  3. Reminded me of an exercise video,  where does choreography end and calisthenics begin?

    And they announced the day before it would all be lip synched.  The Miley Cyrus slutshow a few years back put an end to my viewing of halftime shows. 

    Football should be a family friendly thing, one of my coworkers 7 year old daughter asked why the girls were dancing in their underwear.  

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