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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. This ain't that important.  But I might consider buying my first electric since I lost track of my old cheap '67 Kalamazoo, and of the few I'm considering, one is the Gibson JOHNNY A.  But looking on the Gibson site to see what the current price is, I couldn't find it among the products listed on the site.  Does this mean they no longer make that model?   Or what.   Or was I looking in the wrong place on the site( not entirely impossible)?  And I am trying to narrow down my preferences as I'm sure they don't make a flippable 5-sided coin!  [wink]


  2. Some years ago( but not too many) I was surprised to find Vox was still in the business of making guitars.  'Round here we only knew them as those odd shaped guitars most of those "British invasion" bands used.  Some of them also looked like they were made on the cheap, like those early to mid '60's TEISCO del Ray's.  Years of not seeing them used by anybody or hearing about them lead me to assume the company went out of business.   Glad to know they're still in business as I did finally came to know they built a quality product, both in guitars and amps.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Back when I was first learning to play, my stepsister got a friend of hers to let me borrow her Fender tele( which I didn't at the time know what it was) and the Gibson amp she played it through.  How good was it?  well..

    VERY good, as far as a novice 13 year old's critique is worth.  [wink]  I mean, at that time, ANY electric guitar and amp would have sounded great!  


    • Like 1
  4. Damn!  What a DOG!!

    Ugliest ax I ever saw.  :-&  Probably sounds as bad as it looks.


    Not really, I actually think it's very nice.  But I had to post the above to give this thread balance.  [wink]


  5. Well, DUH!  :rolleyes:

    Of course.  Like alluded to, every picture jacket of their 45s and on their LP covers  were either a photo of the group sporting those guitars and the words, "The Ventures play the Mostrite guitars exclusively".   Or both.  And since the group became so popular, Mosrite stamped the band's name on that particular model of guitar.  The band originally used Fender guitars until the Mosrite caught the attention of lead player Nokie Edwards and the rest is history.   Many of us were surprised to eventually learn that the company made other models besides that "signature".  (the "Combo" semi-hollow and "Gospel" semi).    

    A friend of mine had a Ventures model back in the "day"('67), and it played and sounded extraordinary.  


  6. Sure sounded "surf-like" to me!  

    So, why does playing it on an LP NOT make it "purist"?  Don't tell me you're one of those dinks who thinks certain types of music can ONLY be played on certain guitars!  Like the idiots who think only playing a Fender telecaster makes it "real" country music, or jazz isn't jazz unless it's played on a fat, arch-top hollow body. 

    IMHO,  There's no such thing as a "jazz" guitar, or a "blues" guitar or even a "surf" guitar(or country ax either).  


  7. 2 hours ago, SteveFord said:

    You'd have to be more specific with your speakers but it sound like they need to be pulled out from the wall a bit.

    Yep, or consider what type of component those speakers are hooked up to and the setting on it.  And though wood is a great conductor of sound, speakers placed on a small tabletop(as Evans asserted) could play hell with their performance .  I had a similar problem with my home system with my subwoofer placed on a bare hardwood floor.  No problem in the previous home where the sub was set on a carpeted floor, but on a slab of wood placed on the floor under the sub.  In this place, I placed a small but thick throw rug on the bare hardwood, then another small slab of wood on IT, then the sub.  Problem solved.   In my case, the sub on the bare hardwood floor and located next to the  entertainment center my CD player was in caused the bass vibration from the sub's floor facing speaker to cause enough vibration to make my CD player skate. 

    So, try locating those speakers on a more solid surface with no empty space beneath that surface.  


  8. 52 minutes ago, Larsongs said:


    All Veterans with Disabilities are not Homeless & Poverty stricken… Some actually struggled with their Disability all their working years & worked their asses off just as hard at their Civilian job as they did serving their Country in times of War…. To say they didn’t earn their VA Compensation is an insult to Veterans of Foreign Wars.. 

    It makes no difference if they drive a Beat up Ford or a shiny new Lexus…

    If you have a beef against the Government giving out undeserved Compensation you should be looking at all the Forms of Welfare, the, so called, free Stimulus Money the Govt is sending out or $1,000,000.00 they want to give People who broke our Laws & illegally entered our Country…

    1st.  Nobody said ALL disabled veterans are homeless or poverty stricken.  But there does seem to be a rising number of veteran homelessness and suicides with the claim that crisis intervention to prevent them is either scarce  or if available is difficult to obtain.  And of course we know there are many(too many, as I would say only ONE homeless veteran is too many)  and others struggling to return to normal and stable civilian life. 

    2nd.  I also don't recall anyone here suggesting  ANY veterans didn't earn their VA compensation.  I only read someone claiming their belief that some people having "disabled veteran" license plates weren't really disabled veterans.    But you might recall that for many years, Viet Nam veterans didn't receive many VA benefits that previous war veterans did due to the congressional oversight committee claiming the conflict in Viet Nam wasn't a "real" war, but just a "police action".  Finally, by the end of the '70's, that situation was corrected.  And several Viet Nam vets I worked with started getting their due recognition and also invites to join the V.F.W.   A few said they tried to join after returning home but were refused because of that reason.


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