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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 16 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I’ll go up against Bobby Flay and make my signature Kraft Mac And Cheese.

    Heh.  My daughter shared a recipe she came across to "dress up" that iconic dish.  Involves adding fried onions, two additional types of cheese and some frozen peas.  

    5 hours ago, kidblast said:

    if you don't put hot dogs in there, you're dead to me...


    That sounds intriguing too.  Cut 'em up I presume.  So, how small of pieces do you cut 'em up?  

    And don't worry about Bobby Flay.  I understand he's no longer gonna be on The Food Network.  Wanted too much money.


  2. 12 hours ago, tx-ogre said:

    Plus,  anyone who ever met my mother would have never suspected her of being a gunshot victim and that a bullet was the source of the problem.   

    Not really the same, but your tale reminded me.

    Back when my Mom was very young(this happened in '32 from what I recall of the story) A kid with a newfangled Daisy BB gun shot in my Mom's direction, the BB ricocheting  off a huge rock and going up one of her nostrils.  Got embedded in there, and being in rural Pennsylvania there was no doc nearby to give proper treatment.  And so it remained and never bothered my mom until one day, when getting an MRI in the early '90's, the tech rushed in and asked her when she got a gunshot wound in the head!  It took a while for her to remember the BB incident from SIXTY YEARS EARLIER,   but when finally relating it,  the tech rushed out of the room.  When he returned, my Mom asked why he left in such a hurry and where did he go?

    He said he had to rush to a phone and call the police back to tell them they didn't have to come after all!  [laugh]  He thought the "wound" was more recent as the MRI image made the BB appear way larger than it really was.


  3. 22 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    So if (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction offends me should The Stones stop playing it? 

    Anyone remember the lyrics to the song Some Girls. 


    Oh, and let's not forget the song titled "B!TCH".  [wink]


  4. OK....  how about adding...

    5 claiming they make their own bulbs and don't rely on those store bought pieces of crap.

    40+  who will post, when anyone mentions their light bulbs burned out;  "So sorry for your loss.  You're in our prayers!"  :rolleyes:

    a total 70 or more "likes" on each of those  36 posted pics of light bulbs.

    Not to mention the numerous misspellings and horrid grammar in most of the posts.   ie;  "When my lite bulb berns out it gets dark in hear."


    Surprised to see a Detroit boy call it "soda" instead of "pop".  [wink]


    • Haha 1
  5. 23 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    Here's something I like to hang up from time to time




    Not that these are case queens, but when not played, generally, these are cased.  I have a nice wooden guitar case rack that holds quite a few of cases.  I do my best to keep these protected as best I can.  Falling off a hanger is the least of my worries though.  Sometimes it's just nice to hang these to appreciate them for what they are. 

    Doesn't that stucco affect the finish on their backs any?


  6. 15 hours ago, tx-ogre said:

    Ironically, she did get an unpleasant reminder of the incident about 30 years later.  She was being treated for a severely infected big toe that was caused by a serious circulation problem.  Since she was in her late 70s and had been diagnosed with diabetes several years earlier, the doctors assumed the diabetes was the cause of the circulation issue.  

    THAT'S the part of that tale which doesn't surprise me.  My wife was diabetic, and I recall that no matter WHAT she went to any doctor for anything, once they found out she was diabetic their eyes seemed to glaze over and they'd announce, "So!  Just get your sugar under control and you'll get better."  Yep.  They figured; Diabetic?  CASE CLOSED!  :rolleyes:  Mattered not one bit that at the time, her sugar was under control.    That's true of anyone.  Any symptom you have could be a sign of maybe a dozen or more health issues.  But most doctors will assume they indicate a malady  that has the highest known average, and will treat your problem thus.  And when it doesn't help,  they'll then assume YOU haven't followed their recommendations thoroughly or correctly.  You have to damn near die, or actually die before anyone bothers to investigate what the problem actually was.  I call it "chart medicine".  See, a lot of "doctors" come out of medical school with a vision of a chart embedded in their minds.  Once a patient comes to them with a particular complaint, they check their inner chart so see what it says the symptom indicates.  And what that chart says as to how it should be treated.  You could waste years and thousands of dollars or even die before you finally get a correct diagnosis.

    Now, not every doctor practices "chart medicine", and you have to be diligent in your search for one who doesn't.    

    You didn't(far as I surmise) indicate if your mom is still with us, but if she is, I hope things are better for her now.  Don't see how they could've got much worse, but I'm wishing her well.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Mantastic said:

    It's very simple. Even you can understand if you try. A passive aggressive person is a person who acts aggressively but hides it behind words or actions that seem passive. So they appear to be passive, while they are actually being aggressive. That's where the term comes from. 


    But, how can you discern that the guy being passive is only appearing to be, but is actually being aggressive?   Or vice versa?  Seems to me a case of just hearing (or reading) what you wish to, not necessarily what is.  Like a lot of times I've been accused of being "passive-aggressive" when really, I was just puling some leg.  [wink] 



    \ ō-ˈbēs  \

    Definition of obese

    : having excessive body fat

    Seems to be what I always thought it meant.  [cool]
    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    The customer is always right.

    Reminds me of a sign an Uncle of mine who owned a restaurant had hanging in the kitchen....

    "Our rules"

    "Rule number one;  The customer is always right."

    "Rule number two; If the customer is wrong, see rule number one."  [laugh]


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. I generally don't use either FEDEX or UPS, but have once or twice in the past.  You all have given me something to consider since there's a couple of Christmas gifts I'm going to have to have delivered somehow to a family member out of state.   As far as receiving deliveries, I usually don't order anything online or by catalog, so I avoid those sort of issues.  


  10. Well, no surprise there.  Christmas being different when the kids and grandkids grow up.  :rolleyes:  But still being able to spend that holiday with them should make the holiday just as festive.  Of course, if it's a case of them not living nearby or having moved way out of state, it is a different story.  But, there's still the TELEPHONE( I don't think a Christmas "text" is fitting) and if y'all have all the right gadgets, there's "Facetime" as well.  [wink]

    This year will be much different for us too.  A few passings, a couple of divorces and a few too ill to participate.  But we'll not let that entirely kill our spirit.  In other words too....

    Don't allow a bunch of greedy retail jerks more interested in the almighty buck instead of the familial rejoicing and religious(to many) sanctity of the holiday control how YOU feel about the day.    YOU should be in control of your emotions and reactions.  Not THEM.


  11. Y'know, I'm prone to what I refer to as "playful banter" or  "ribbing" and kidding people tongue in cheek which some who might be too narrow minded  see as serious negative or insulting comments.  When no offense was intended at all.  And they use the "millennial-speak"  crap phrase" "Passive/aggressive" to describe it.  To whit:

    Saying someone is "passive-aggressive" makes as much sense to me as saying someone is "quietly-loud".   Or, "Thinly obese" .  And also BY THE WAY (no harm in using whole words  [wink]).......

    I think SGT. (not DR.) PEPPER is more facetiously condescending most times than actually intentionally offensive(though knowing this I feel he'd argue otherwise  [wink])  and not being-ahem- "passive-aggressive"  :rolleyes:  

    not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing other people to be in control
    behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person
    See what I mean?  [wink]  Good luck with your English practice too.  [cool]
    • Thanks 1
  12. I've been told by some they believe if you hang a guitar, especially acoustics, the string tension will cause it to "bow"  And particularly 12-strings.  

    And still others are against leaning a guitar against a wall unless it's turned string side to wall.  Lest the other way causes the same "bowing" hanging them supposedly does.  But as far as hanging goes I suppose it does depend on the type of interior environment the instrument is exposed to (heat, cold, humidity etc.).  


  13. Yeah, I get the OP's gripe.  When I was a kid, the Christmas season in retail stores traditionally didn't start until after Thanksgiving. And that was long enough ago that there WASN'T any of this "Black Friday" crap.   And still, with a kid's thrill of it all, the Christmas season always seemed to be a long time, despite in reality it was merely a month long or less.  But the anticipation made it seem to take forever to get here!  [cool]

    But lately( and since becoming an adult with a family) it seems no sooner than when you put away all the decorations and take down the lights, you(as my Mom would put it) turn around and spit twice and it's already time to drag it all OUT again!  [laugh]  Sure.  I noted that when I started seeing Halloween candy for sale in the marked shortly after Labor Day, that the Christmas items would soon follow.    But I still like the holiday, the corny trappings and decorations.  and like jivi pointed out, spending time with our people.  Many of us don't( and can't in some cases) see one another until then too.  And that to me, makes it all even more special.


    • Like 1
  14. 21 hours ago, RBSinTo said:


    No guitar is ever the "star"of any serious music show, nor should it be.

    Clapton, Knopfler or Jubar, just to name three really fine guitarists, aren't mentioned as after-thoughts in concert revues after their guitars are critiqued.

    The musicians and their skills take center stage, not the Martin, PRS, Taylor, Fender, or even Gibson that they're playing.



    Yep, as it should be.  But I'm reminded of my ex's kid brother( who at the time of this recollection was 16) who after attending a concert (band name escapes my memory) had trouble answering a simple question from me....  Like----

    "How did they sound?"  To which he seemed to ignore, instead going on about the laser light show during the concert.  When asked again then went on about things like---

    The pyrotechnics,  the gimmick in which FLAMES shot out of the guitarist's ax's headstock, and then about the outfits they wore onstage.  :rolleyes:

    Exasperated, I finally asked more strongly, "Yeah, but how did they SOUND?"  To which he merely shrugged and answered, "Oh.  OK I guess."   !!!  He GUESSED?  [cursing]

    Sure, the guitar those guys you mentioned play shouldn't really matter.  They'd sound good regardless WHAT make, model or color the guitar is.   I never once heard anyone say, "I didn't like Hendrix.  He played a FENDER, and I don't like Fenders."   [wink]  And to be clear, those plastic looking white guitars I mentioned weren't seen on any serious music show.  Just by musicians more in the background on an old variety show.


  15. It depends on a person's conscience(or lack thereof?).  Personally, I could never feel good or comfortable returning that guitar in that condition.  I am(I feel) correct in assuming that crack in the horn wasn't there before he did the work?  

    I think you're right in trying to deal with Gibson for the repairs.  Since that fool couldn't do it right the first time, what're the chances of him doing it right the second?  Or.. EVER? 

    And best of luck with everything else.  [wink]


    • Thanks 1
  16. Yeah, I keep mine in their cases 24/7 too.  First, there's not much room on my walls to make hanging them practical, and two--

    I live in  Nighthawk's neck of the woods, and the constant temperature/ humidity changes probably can't be good for a hanging guitar.  But I notice dozens of guitars hanging on the walls of every music shop, so I wonder how they handle it all.  Maybe in most brick and mortar buildings the temp and humidity are easier to control?  I dunno...


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