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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 22 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

    In my opinion, Rudi shouldn't care what you, me, or anyone else thinks.

    Only matters what Rudi's opinion is, and what he wants to do, so I'm not sure why he even bothers to ask.

    Second, paint-infilling an engraved plate is easy. Wipe a paint-soaked rag across plate until all engraving filled, and wipe off excess surface paint with clean rag.


    I didn't think he was looking for approval,  just maybe suggestions or direction.  And like you even gave.  See....

    I'd have never thought about coloring the inside of the engraving like the way you suggested.  [wink]

    And it's clear(crystal even) he bothered to ask because he wasn't sure of what he wanted to do.   And the only opinion I'd proffer is that the nameplate would be better on the guitar's case, rather than the guitar itself.  [wink]


  2. Word fun is fine, but I find it's more fun if the person you're having that word fun with either doesn't get it or gets upset.  For example---

    My usual answer back in the "day" when anyone asked me, "Can you drive a stick?"  Of course, referring to a "standard" shift.   To which I'd reply...

    "Not as good as I can drive a car."  [wink]


  3. 2 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

    America runs on Consumerism.. And has for a long long long time. Every day is Sale Day for a Birthday, Anniversary or some kind of holiday.. I don’t get the anger against Christmas…. Unless……… no, I better not go there….

    My Mom once quipped sarcastically;  "They oughta just have National Hallmark Day!"  [laugh]


  4. 23 hours ago, RBSinTo said:

    Its not the posters' fault. They can't help themselves. Every five minutes the bulb manufacturer brings out another model of the same bulb with a different name, and and in order to keep up, they all just gotta, just really, really gotta buy one of the new ones, lest they fall behind.


    Don't tell me that first line was a "zoomer"?   [wink]


  5. 18 hours ago, jdgm said:

    The thing is - in America you have Thanksgiving too, so more $$$ has to be spent.

    Of course.  And don't forget the bucks spent on Halloween candy, costumes and decorations.  And there's no Thanksgiving where you're from(wherever that is)?  what.  Nothing to be thankful for?  [wink]  Besides;  Typically(in most families I know of) everybody invited to the big feast is also invited to bring a dish to the table.  For instance;   My wife and I( and now just me) usually brings a green bean casserole.  The dinner's hostess usually does the turkey and others bring all else.  Less expense for everyone and more money for each to save for the insanity of "Black Friday" shopping.  THAT'S when the REAL money is spent!  [cool]


  6. 4 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    His playing must've been f%*@in' awful

    My first thought too.  [wink]

    1 hour ago, badbluesplayer said:

    Nice work.  If you're fifty and still living at home you should be shot just for good measure.  And your guitar needs to be shot too!

    Maybe it's the other way around......

    A sister in law of mine has been living with her daughter ever since she was 70 too.  Moved in shortly after her husband died.  Regardless.  The old coot could have just pulled the plug on the amp.  And another angle.....

    The 50 year old son might have had a life as a "special needs" (Down's syndrome, or like The Rainman)child and even now isn't able to qualify for any work that would make him independent, IF he was mentally able to as well.  And his guitar playing might be therapeutic.  


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